Frontier Trinary Hub

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Trinary Hub

Complex Details
Frontier Trinary Hub
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating Class 6 Wormhole
Security 4/6
Known Regions Wormhole
Pirate type Sleeper

Frontier Trinary Hub one of the Radar sites can be found in Class 4 Worm Holes

"Out in the darkness, a curious deadspace signature taunts brave and reckless explorers alike to try and uncover what secrets may be hidden in the depths.

Electronic interference floods through your ship’s systems only moments after your warp drive locks on and activates, growing in ferocity as you are hurled towards the strange phenomenon"

In this pocket, you can find: 10 x Obsolete Sleeper Databank 1 x Deserted Talocan Cruiser

First Trigger is Containers than BS's act as trigger

First Wave

1 Sleepless Preserver

4 Emergent Defender

Second Wave

2 Sleepless Preserver

4 Awakened Defender

Third Wave

2 Sleepless Preserver

2 Sleepless Defender

Personal tools
