Item Database:Ships:Battleships:Advanced Battleships
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Revision as of 06:49, 14 December 2010 by Draahk Chimera (Talk)
There are two types of tech II or "advanced" battleships. Both types are available only through invention. With the falure rate when inventing larger hulls being substansial the prize of advanced battleships are quite high.
One type of tech II bs are marauders. Specifically designed for pve they have bonuses mostly to looting. To make sure they are not used in pvp they have a very low sensor strength.
The other type is the black-ops battleships. Designed for pvp purpouses they have bonuses to cloaking (not however cover-ops cloaking). They can also for a limited jump bridge in the manner of a titan but with reduced range. The limited jump bridge can only be used by ships that are considered covert in their nature.