Terrorist Plot!

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Complex Details
Terrorist Plot!
Signature Strength Unkown
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating
Security 0.0
Known Regions The Forge
Pirate type Guristas

This is the expedition of an escalated Gurista's_Watch.


"Terrorist Plot!" is an exploration based expedition with 4 stages including the initial Faction spawn which prompts the expedition. The expedition storyline is that of a pirate faction planning to release a viral agent into the atmosphere of two planets. However, later into the expedition a empire faction becomes involved, apparently hiring the pirate faction to perform their dirty work for them.

Each stage of the expedition contains a Faction vessel, unless the expedition had ended before the final stage, in which case the Faction vessel may or may not be present.

At each stage a "Newly Constructed Acceleration Gate" is present.

At the first this gate leads to a area devoid of vessels, however a canister is present containing a Viral Agent. This is illegal in all empire faction space.

At the second gate of the expedition is a empire faction frigate, which dissapears as you enter. It launches two webifying drones and five "Bomber" drones, which smartbomb according to the pilot logs provided in local. However, these drones appear to do nothing.

The final location is in low security space if the expedition has begun in high security space.

The final location does not have a gate, but consists of various empire faction vessels, rather than pirate faction vessels. These ships consist of a small, sub-battleship class group, with few Elite units providing sensor dampening and webifying.

There is also a control tower owned by the empire faction. Upon firing on this more ships arrive, including a final faction spawn, and the conclusion of the expedition. The control tower can be destroyed utterly, and no futher ships will spawn.

It appears that no faction version of the empire faction is willing to show its face inside this expedition, only that of the pirate faction. This leads me to conclude that the empire faction is obviously working covertly against their enemies. Further to this, attacking the empire faction vessels do not cause any form of standings loss to the empire faction they are owned by. This may be due to the empire faction not wanting to confirm the existance, and thus actions, of these vessels, as instigating a standings reduction would prove a connection to these terrorist vessels.

Part 1

Room 1

  • 4x Dire Pithi Plunderer (Elite Frigate class) ~8 km
  • 1x Dread Guristas Plunderer (Elite Frigate class) ~8 km (possible T2 implant in loot)
  • 4x Pithatis Assaulter (Battlecruiser class) 15-20km

Killing the Dread Guristas frigate can trigger a further escalation.

Room 2

Room will contain several broken crystal asteroids and a single Viral Stash floating container. Upon approaching the container, minor area of effect damage will be activated.

After looking in the container and finding some data sheets and viral agents...

Wait 2-3 minutes and the Guristas Relay Officer (Elite cruiser, overseer) will appear (~15 km).

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