Talk:Research and manufacturing

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Revision as of 11:27, 5 July 2010 by Stark Midular (Talk)

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Creation of BPOs

The following unattributed comment was left by dongoble.

How do you go about createing new BPO's? or is it not possible. this is a good begginer guide.... but I want to be able to manufacture BPOs not just make copies of the ones i have. I understand T2 BPOs dont exist anymore, I want to mfg T1 ship BPOs. personally i dont see why you guys killed the Lotto, at least there would be more BPOs in circulation....

  • Creating or manufacturing new BPOs is not possible. T1 ship BPOs may be purchased from the markets in the various empires. Ship BPOs are generally only available from the faction they represent. There are still T2 BPOs in circulation, existing from the time of the lotteries, but no more BPOs are created. Instead, Invention took the place of the BPO lottery, whereby research points are used to purchase datacores necessary in that endeavor. Some of this information is contained in the BPO article, but i will work on fleshing that out better. Mariokoli Mianana 18:11, 10 December 2009 (UTC)

Splitting BP Research

I'm planning to split the BP research part of this article out to enhance the existing Researching_blueprints guide, then cross-linking the two.

 Mara Rinn 01:47, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Player owned factory lines?

Yes, theres amention on the game that you can filter player owned lines or corporate lines. What is needed for you to get own personal production line, and how is leases related to this? --Wrath Twilight 16:37, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

Personal production lines are as far as I know currently only available on the Rorqual, to allow pilots to compress ore and ice. --Echo Mande 16:52, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

Market window description out of date?

In the section of this article called "Using Blueprints - A Guide to the Science & Industry Interface", it refers to a map and regional filters available in the market window when a single item has been selected. I am unable to find these features. Have they been removed? If so, this article should be updated.

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