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Revision as of 00:30, 13 March 2010 by ISD Keitiro (Talk)

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Complex Details
Signature Strength n/a
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating n/a
Security 0.0
Known Regions All
Pirate type Rogue Drones

A two room deadspace complex with Rogue Drones.

As with all rogue drones, they have no bounty but their wrecks contain valuable alloys. Individually, each drone alloy is 1 cubic meter, but if you want to collect them all, you may need a hauler.

This exploration site has a chance to escalate into The Drone Roulette


Initial Spawn:

  • 10 frigates
  • 2 light missile batteries

The next gate is 50km away.

1st Spawn:

On final approch of the gate, another group will spawn :

  • 4 frigates
  • 3 cruisers

ROOM 2 :

No drone will aggro at warping in. There is 1 group for each ship class. If you attack a single group the others won't aggro. Approching the frigates group will aggro them.

Please note: On the frigate group, let your heavy drones attack, don't give them order they will pop every one of them in a few seconds.

Initial Spawn:

  • 3 battleships
  • 10 frigates
  • 3 cruisers

Upon destruction of the last drone ship in space 2nd pop will occur

1st Spawn:

  • 3 Battleships
  • 2 cruisers

2nd Spawn:

(will be fast, no idea on the trigger (NPC DPS Spike here)

  • 3 battleships
  • 2 frigates
  • 1 Sentient Alvus Controller (Drone Commander (salvage T2))

The destruction of this commander should trigger the escalation. No message No escalation.

3rd Spawn:

  • 3 battleships
  • 2 frigates

4th Spawn:

  • 5 frigates
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