The Ancient City

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Revision as of 10:05, 19 April 2010 by Iwannah Spankjoo (Talk)

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Complex Details
'The Ancient City'
Signature Strength  ??
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating 10/10
Security 0.0
Known Regions Providence, Catch, Stain, Esoteria
Pirate type Sansha


The Ancient City is an escalation/expedition chain which you can receive from Sansha Provincial HQ.

Part 1

1 True Sansha Battleship
6 Battleships
4 Cruisers
3 Frigates

The Acceleration gate leads to a second area, where there are no enemies. Killing the TS you may be lucky and get escalation.

Part 2

1 True Sansha Battleship
10 Battleships
9 Cruisers
1 Frigate
2 Stasis Towers
6 Sentry Towers

Upon killing the True Sansha battleship, you may receive another escalation.

Part 3

Spawn 1
1 True Sansha Battleship
7 Battleships
6 Cruisers
2 Stasis Towers
2 Siege Pulse Laser Sentries
1 Sansha Battletower

Kill rats and then shoot the Battletower to get second spawn.

Spawn 2
12 Battleships
10 Frigate

Killing the Battletower takes 2000 dps at minimum.

A successful escalation will take you to the 4th and final part.

Part 4

The journal bookmark leads to a Sansha Organization Center, with no spawn on entry. Shooting the structure will start it.

Spawn 1
30 Battleships
20 Cruisers
9 Frigates
2 Stasis Towers
2 Siege Pulse Laser Sentries
Spawn 2
13 Battleships
8 Cruisers
6 Frigates
Spawn 3
15 Battleships
6 Cruisers
7 Frigates
Spawn 4
7 Battleships
7 Frigates
Spawn 5
1 Colonial Master Diabolus Maytor (Battleship)
8 Frigates
5 Spider Drone II

The boss has over 33.9 mil bounty, but does not have a huge tank, a lot less than what it takes to kill the Sansha Battletower in part 3.

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