Role play chat channels
Those who seek to participate in Eve's active role playing community have several options. They may post on the official forums in the Intergalactic Summit section. They can join a RP corporation or alliance. Or they can seek out any number of player-run chat channels designated for RP. The purpose of this page is to catalog and list those channels.
Of course, it's always better if you can back up your words in space!
Based partly on the work of Kai Zion at
General Roleplay | Non Factional
The Summit
The Summit is arguably the most popular and frequented roleplay channel. It regularly hosts a wide variety of personalities, drawn from across many of the organizations in New Eden. Conversation varies from day to day, and as it is basically something of a mirror of the Forum-based roleplay channel the Intergalactic Summit, there is often various topics being discussed. Run partly in conjunction with the organizers of The Chatsubo ( ), a popular OOC forum for a part of the RP community. )
Pirate Factions
The Last Gate
A bar run by the notorious pirate corporation Veto, though open to anyone who follows the rules of the house. The principle of neutral ground is enforced - violence on the premises will result in a swift eviction by the bar security.
The Skyhook
Run by Omerta Syndicate, an organization founded by Caldari dissidents. The Skyhook has lately expanded into a nightclub chain featuring drinks, music and dancing; the main location is situated in the Lai Dai Protection Service station at the 2nd moon of Airkio VII. The Skyhook does not have the virtual reality interfaces frequently used in other locales, so attendees must visit in person, on their own or by Interbus.
Caldari Faction
Gallente Faction
Minmatar Faction
Amarr Faction
Corporation Public Channels
Out of Character Discussion
The official companion channel to The Summit and the default for other public RP areas such as The Last Gate. You are welcome to idle here even if not in The Summit, as many people do. Usually just as busy, if not busier, than The Summit. It’s like an in-game channel version of The Chatsubo.