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A restrictive doctrine of alliance control employed through the existing CONCORD-established standings system that allows alliance leaders to sway member corps' external relationships via harsh penalty for contravening established engagement rules such as "Not Blue, Shoot It" (NBSI), and "Not Red, Don't Shoot" (NRDS).

Popular Views

Star Fraction on the Freedom Fighter

"To find a rebel power you have to find an actual rebellion against the status quo.

Given that
Territorial Claiming (Sovereignty spam)
NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It)
Standings Enclosurism (Adopt our standings or be Red to us)"

- Jasmine Constantine, Jericho Fraction, The Star Fraction, GalNet Reference

Ushra'Khan on the CVA

"We call them slavers because they are, by their own admission, slavers. No freedom exists in Providence, you submit yourself to the will of CVA and their standings enclosurism, you shoot who they tell you to shoot and pay them for their protection from those who would free you. The form of slavery they inflict on capsuleers is more subtle than the slavery they inflict on everyone else, but it is still there."

- Xennith, Neh'bu Kau Beh'Hude, Ushra'Khan, GalNet Reference

Related topics and keywords: alliance warfare, alliance imperialism, nullsec.

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