Members of the third CSM
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Revision as of 05:42, 29 May 2009 by Meissa Anunthiel (Talk)
The Members of the Third Council of Stellar Management are:
- Valentijn Geirnaert (Netherlands) Dierdra Vaal - Ivy League (IVY) / Eve University <E-UNI>
- Vuk Lau (Serbia) Vuk Lau - 4S Corporation (4S) / Morsus Mihi <RAWR>
- Allison Nixon (US) - mazzilliu - Sniggerdly (SNIGG) / Pandemic Legion <-10.0>
- John Zastrow (US) - Zastrow J - GoonFleet (LWTAX) / GoonSwarm <OHGOD>
- Hendrik Scheider (Germany) - Erik Finnegan - Polytechnique Gallenteenne (PYGAL)
- Brian Haines (US) - Avalloc - GoonFleet (LWTAX) / GoonSwarm <OHGOD>
- Jeremy Jankie (Australia) Omber Zombie - Frontier Technologies (FTEK)
- Adam Ridgway (UK) Larkonis Trassler - Neo Spartans (NSPTA) / Laconian Syndicate <LACON>
- Stephan Pirson (Belgium) Meissa Anunthiel - Redshift Industrial (RS-I)
- Michele Boland (USA) - Issler Dainze - Tadakatsu Obata Corporation (TDAO) / The Honda Accord (BEEP)
- Shayne Smart (Netherlands) - Serenity Steele - Dynamic Data Distribution (INPUT) / Ministry of Information <INFO>
- Leanna Jane Evelyn Fulford (UK) - Shatana Fulfairas - Celestial Horizon Corp. (CLS)
- Andy Smith (Australia) - Chip Mintago - ANZAC ALLIANCE (ANZA) / Southern Cross Alliance <SCA>
- Walker Berry (US) - Weazy Z - Viper Squad (-VSQ-) / Triumvirate. <TRI>