New Citizens Useful threads

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Here are some resources which new players should find useful. Please note the first resource, Akita T's "Golden Rules".

New Players

Akita T's "EVE GOLDEN RULES: a mandatory newcomer read"
A must-read resource for new players.

Kessiaan's low sec survival guide for rookies
Kessiaan has written a top notch guide on staying alive in low security systems, read it if you want to keep your ship!

10 Safety tips for new players
Ten useful tips for new eve players that will keep you alive!

EVE Lingo for New Players
MAPC, RCU, CPR huh? Find what those abbreviations mean.

Official Players Guide
This is the official Eve players guide, many of your questions can be answered here.

Guide Library
A page that contains many useful guides, from traveling safely and how to avoid pirates to common eve terms and a basic guide to fighting.

Quickstart guide for New Players
Is Eve your first MMO or are you just feeling a little overwhelmed? Try this for size.

Guide for Experienced MMO Players

First 15 days in low sec
Feel queasy passing close to a 0.4 security gate? Now you don't have to with this superb guide on living, surviving and most importantly pew pewing your way around low sec.

ZOMG Useful
A collection of links that will be useful young or old in Eve. Warning some may be approaching the end of their life cycle.
A compendium of most guides available or a link to ones they haven't got. With tools and resources too!

Battleclinic's list of tools available for EVE

Covert Portal Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Jump Cones


Eve Forum Search
A site created by Chribba that allows easy searching of the Eve Online Forums.

Eve Files
A easy to use site created and run by Chribba for players to upload files related to EVE.

Connecting to IRC
Want to connect to the IRC Server and talk with other eve players? Have a look at this guide.

How to create a sig
This guide teach you how to create a banner for your signature on the forums that complies with all the rules.

Agents & Missions

EVE Agents Database
Another of Chribba's sites - there is no stopping the man! This one deals with all things agentified.

Missions and Money in EvE: a guide
How to make money in missions. Perhaps your quickest way to riches?

EVE-Survival Kill Missions Guides
Comprehensive list of level 1-4 missions with recommended tanking and walkthroughs.

Character Creation & Skills

Attributes and Skills Guide
A very indepth discussion on what attribute does what, influences what and will be of most use when. In addition to a guide to skills.

Character Creation
A fascinating look into which character is best suited for the role you foresee but remember, change is constant in Eve and that may well include you.

Character Creation 2: The revenge
Another opportunity to talk creating a character to help you get started on the right footing.

New Character Skills
Stuck on how to roll a character, look no further than here for some great advice.

Guide & FAQ : New character creation by Akita T
Every question you ever thought about, or even some you never thought about regarding character creation, and a handy attribute comparison table.

Ships And Modules

Battleclinic's Guide to Amarr Frigates
A very comprehensive flash guide Amarrian tech 1 frigates. Includes recommended fittings and strategies.

New players guide to Ships, Systems and Equipment
A very useful thread that gives you details on the different types of weapons and modules and how they operate.

New Players Guide to Tanking
Want to know how to tank your ship properly? This is the place.

Electronic Warfare
Want to start using electronic warfare or simply want to learn how it works? Have a look at this.

A new players' guide to Caldari ships
Interested in flying Caldari ships? This guide will explain it all from ship roles to module suggestions.

What do I need to fly xxx ship well?
A straight to the point guide on which skills will help you fly what ship well.

Science and Industry guide and A Newbie's Guide to Caldari Ships
Three guides for the price of one!


How to: Building from a blueprint
Interested in knowing how to build from a blueprint? This guide includes step by step instructions and includes pictures.

Basic guide to T1 production.
How to get yourself up and running in the production business.


Contract System
Got a question about how the new contract system works? Have a look in here.

Contract Scams: What to watch for
If you're ever worried about falling for a contract scam, heard all the scaremongering and want to protect yourself, here's how.

Beginner's guide to * MAKING ISK * in EVE-Online by Akita T
Almost all the (in-game) ways of getting ISK listed for your convenience, with a couple of explanations and links to better specific resources.


Complete Miners Guide
This thread contains a link to a PDF document that is a complete mining guide, covering new players all the way to advanced 0.0 mining.

The Overview

Overview Settings Guide
Confused on how to set up the powerful tool that is your overview? Fear not with this handy how to guide.

Guide - The Overview
Seemingly the start in a series of PVP guides, how to set your overview right will give you a head-start in clearing the fog of war.

Reference Materials

EVE Knowledgebase
You're not alone in having problems when you start out, which is why the knowledgebase was set up to facilitate the answer to FAQs. Read and digest, slowly.

Aggression and Criminal Flagging
Deja Thoris's guide to criminal flagging and aggression in high security space. Find out what happens when you shoot someone in non-0.0 territory.

Ombey's 2D Maps
A maintained and up to date set of maps that make the eve universe easier to see. A must see for anyone wanting to know their surroundings.

EVE Compendium
Comprehensive collection of guides, a must have!

Personal tools
