Talk:Year YC106

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Revision as of 09:21, 18 April 2009 by Ainaakaa Nederland (Talk)

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Well done! Will you be doing YC107? --Dex Nederland 02:16, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

Nevermind, found it, but a linkbar/template to the various years would be nice, I may setup one. --Dex Nederland 02:21, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

Why are these locked? It makes it impossible for users to add links to existing pages (for player organizations for example) and correct inapporpriate links. For example of an inapporpriate link: when Mordu's Legion is mentioned it does not link to the Mordu's Legion (Faction) it links to the Legion T3 hull. Locking the pages means normal users are unable to help ISD update and edit the pages (to include corrections). --Dex Nederland 17:48, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

Hi Dex,

 The trouble we have here is that we need to retain the integrity of the text, that is, we cannot review every change from a storyline perspective as we go along.  Therefore we need to almagamate changes and then sift through them and put the correct ones in.  I know it seems over protective but its the only route we have before us at the moment, unlocking would mean we have no supervision over the core canon of our product, as we dont have storyline resources to divert to the moderation team.

However, we'd like to use all of the talk pages as "suggestion pages" and then check these out on a regular basis to include extra items and fix the links etc. This will have to do until we have a more usuable method to oversee canon. Sorry mate, we'd certainly like to leave these open but im sure you can understand the reasonings here. Hopefully in teh future we will have a reliable method to do this without resorting to locking the pages.

--CCP Ginger 09:28, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

Then my suggestion is that the pages all require clean up due to the automatic features of the wiki (like auto linking Caldari regardless of where it is in text) and the need to include links to known player pages like the Caldari Independent Navy Reserve. When a new player reads the history of Year YC109 and sees CAIN mentioned, they should be able to immediately click on it to find out who these guys are. Its an example. Almost every organization mentioned in these overviews should be linked elsewhere on the wiki.

--Dex Nederland 15:21, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

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