Clown Punchers Syndicate (Player alliance)

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Revision as of 14:04, 9 April 2009 by Quebnaric Deile (Talk)

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Name Clown Punchers Syndicate
Ticker BOZO
Type 0.0
Founded December 2007
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Quebnaric Deile


Diplomat(s) Tolarus
Public Channel Sideshow
Website Clown Puncher Intertubes
Executor Jack In The Box
Members Jack In The Box

Clown Punchers.
Clown Pocket.

Clown Punchers Syndicate was formed in late 2007 by a group of friendly defecting PvP corporations from the Apoapsis Multiversal Consortium alliance and the United Freemen Alliance alliance who were not at all interested in the carebear or space holding aspects of the EVE universe and were tired of the bureaucracy when trying to get anything done with in these alliances.


The goals of BOZO are simple.

  • Find the easiest way to get in to fights.
  • Avoid POS fueling or warfare.
  • Keep our members shipped and wanting to PvP.

As of today we have determined that living in NPC 0.0 regions, combined with frequent roams paired with smack talk and a damn good insurance program seems to be the best way to make this happen.

The Curse Days

The Syndicate Days


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