Regular revisit of pre-nerfed features (CSM)

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Revision as of 08:08, 30 March 2009 by Tusko Hopkins (Talk)

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  • Raised by: Tusko_Hopkins
  • Submission Date: 2009/01/02
  • Issue ID: 0201-12-0102


Many things get into the game in a pre-nerfed state. Which is good to the overall health of EVE, but leaves some ships and modules underused. In some cases CCP seems like neglecting these things saying it affects only a small percentage of the player base, which is a catch 22 situation. The most blaring example for this is the Black Ops.

It would be interesting to know if CCP has an in-house regulation of how these pre-nerfed features are being tracked and if the design team revisits these items regularly, because some things (black ops and bombs for example) suggest that some things are being simply forgotten about.


I suggest that every time CCP releases a nerf or a pre-nerf, it sets an internal mandatory revisit time when it analyzes the changes and trends in the use of the item and buff it if it's necessary. The CSM could negotiate this limit with the devs.


  • Less items would suck so much
  • More useful items could mean higher variety of module and ship usage which is a good thing


  • More job for the balance team

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