Apollo Manton (Character)

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Corporations -

  • Explora Empire
  • Slacker Inc.
  • Solitude Empires
  • M Corp

History - From the moment I created Apollo I knew that I wanted to be apart of something big but like all new players i was well... a newb. Very early on in my career I met Gummi75, a very established player who had spent time in alot of different areas of space. His corporation Explora Empire (EXXE) became my new home and so it remained that way. During my stint with Explora i met another very stout character who also had just joined he would soon become one of my closest friends in game his name, Defientess. Explora soon grew and became a bit larger of a corporation and we started to try and make a name for our selfs. We knew that missioning just wasnt going to be our thing after living in the .5 sec Erzoh system. We soon went to live in IAC. Once again we found that maybe carebearing just wasnt out thing and i loyaly followed Gummi where ever he wanted to take us. Joing M. Corp for a time until branch was over run and M. Pire was kicked out of the region. We quickly formed up the old corporation bring names like Rowejob, Barl Faren, Wrenchy, and many other friends. We formed a tight nit group of PVPrs that were deticated to having fun and doing what we want. Explora joined IAC again this time being more active. We did our best to help defend the constellation home of our Alliance but increasing raids from The Requiem and Against All Athorities proved to much. Finally when it was announced Goonswarm had set us neutral all hope was abandoned and the area was vacated. Explora was once again in a time of transition and until we could find a new home perminatily it was decided we would make some ISK. We joined the Free Trade Zone alliance (something that i never truely clamed as my own) but during our stay in the space which was rarely attacked i spent alot of time mining Arkanor and when Gummi75 announced that the corporation was to be abandoned i decided to break rank and do my own thing while Gummi and Defientess continued on to join other prominant PVP crporations i stayed behind with a friend known as RUSSBLADEZ. His corporation O.M.E.R.T.A was a small corporation witch did not recruit and was there just to call a home. O.M.E.R.T.A was a member of OWN alliance along with Solitude Empires. Solitude took us in due to our small numbers and i was soon a member of the most dominant PVP corporation in OWN. The figure heads of the corporation Spaceman and Gary Hagon were very good leaders along with Gary being one of the best FC's i have ever flown under. By this time i could to most everything that i wanted and was self sufficient. I learned the basics of FCing and came to grow and learn alot in my time with Solitude Empires. OWN soon became a place of despare in their ploy for personal glory and raiding the Dekelin region. Everyone saw it that under the leadership of Redrum the alliance would suffer and so Solitude Left OWN and joined up with Warped Mining. I once agian followed Russ to an old hunting ground. M. Corp wich is where i courently reside.

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