Gas Clouds

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File:Gas cloud harvesting.jpg

File:Gas cloud site.jpg

Gas Clouds.

Ladar sites are complexes in EVE that come in a few variants. These sites are where the raw material for the creation of combat boosters originates. The first images shows a Ishtar class spaceship harvesting in the heart of a gas cloud.

The second image shown here is of a ladar site comprised of two gas clouds. Like most exploration complexes in EVE these sites can be defended in a variety of ways. This particular site is already in use by npcs and has a control tower there and other structures set up to utilise the gas clouds. When you start to mine the clouds an npc force undocks and defends their mining establishment. This npc force will require destruction if you want to take over this resource.

Another variant in 0.0 space comprises a site with 5 smaller gas clouds. These gas clouds are not defended by any npcs, but the gas clouds here are of a much more unstable type and during the process of mining them, they become more unstable and start to cause explosioons which will damage any ships in the vicinity.

Each of these two sites will yield 1000 units of material. A small cloud contains 200 units and a larger cloud yields 800 units.

Like any other mining operation, harvesting the gas cloud material is best suited to one ship mining the resource and another to haul the material away.

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