Template talk:Character

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Revision as of 08:30, 20 December 2008 by DrAtomic (Talk)

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I don't like having 'birthdate' in this template. I realise what I had here before was a bit long-winded, but as a roleplayer, I find it kind of distracting to read that people were 'born' 1-5 years ago.

Is there some other way it can be phrased that doesn't make everyone look like toddlers? --Adrielle Firewalker 02:36, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

One idea might be something along the lines of Pilots License Received or something like that? --Ryushe 02:40, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
I've changed it to Pilots License Issued: Daquaris 02:51, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Extra Info

Adding info seems to be a very touchy subject at the moment, with pages with too much info being flagged for cleanup and all, but I'm still going to suggest this. As soon as parserfunctions are introduced, or even before that, might be nice to add a field to the template with 'Character Skills' or just 'Skills', with a link pointing towards either the EVE Character Showroom or inEve, whatever people prefer (then again, inEVE is dead or dying, so not a safe bet). Too bad we can't (or can we?) link remote images, or there would have been a nice mod I just thought of for the ECS ... --Ryushe 16:15, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


I've rewritten this template using wiki markup, instead of HTML. Daquaris 21:57, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Requested Move

Requested move to Template:Player Character for naming convention purposes (alliance and corp templates all have Player in front of it). DrAtomic 13:30, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

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