Curatores Veritatis Alliance (Player alliance)

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The Curatores Veritatis Alliance (CVA), is an alliance based in Providence and lower Domain. The alliance is loyal to the Amarr Empire, with their mission to provide security to the area of Domain that the Amarr Navy and CONCORD cannot, as well as extending the Empire into unlawful space.


CVA was one of the first alliances founded by pod pilots as a meeting point for Amarr corporations interested in the defence of the Holy Amarr Empire from the incursions of terrorists and pirates. Founded by PIE Inc. as an Amarrian only Alliance, it originally consisted of just PIE Inc. and Imperial Dreams. During its foundation period, CVA's main focus was against leading Minmitar terrorist organizations such as Oracle and Freelance Unlimited. In addition to fighting terrorists CVA took a very strong Anti-Pirate stance and was heavily involved in cleaning up Sarum Prime which use to be a low security system.

Operation Deliverance

In 106EST (2004) CVA launched Operation Deliverance. Under the auspices of 'Operation Deliverance', CVA and its allies stepped up anti-pirate activities in the southern regions of the Amarr Empire bordering the Providence region and neighboring 0.0 systems in Providence. Historically these areas (including Kheram, Gemodi, Mamet, Misaba and R3-K7K) had been dominated by piratical corporations such as The Priory, Hooligans of War, Freeks, and The Short Bus Squad. From late 106 EST to late 107 EST, CVA suceeded in bringing 'relative' peace to the Deliverance corridor and forcing resident pirates out of the area although its authority was challenged by sporadic piratical invasions, primarily raids by The Priory and a full scale invasion of Kheram by The Short Bus Squad.

New Enemies/Old Enemies, New Blood/Old Blood

October 107 EST (2005) saw a major invasion of CVA space by The Short Bus Squad and their allies in the newly formed TSDS (The Sudden Death Squad) alliance. Around the same time, the founding corporation of CVA, PIE Inc., began suffering from internal difficulties which combined with the invasion stretched CVA combat capabilities to the limit. This was relieved to a point by the addition of the Auctoritan Syndicate corporation to the alliance. Eventually, PIE Inc. decided to withdraw from CVA with the intentions of focusing specifically on empire conflict with the minmitar terrorists. By November 107 EST, the TSDS invasion had been completely devastated and relative peace returned to CVA areas of operations. Also this time period saw the merging of many of the leading Minmitar terrorist corporations into the alliance, Ushra'Khan, which quickly became the most dangerous threat to CVA and the Amarr Empire. War with Ushra'Khan was quickly established the Minmatar alliance moved into a neighbouring part of 0.0 in Providence, bringing a new dimension to the traditional Amarr versus Minmatar conflict.

New Allies, Great Accomplishments, and Cold War

Early 108 EST (2006) was relatively peaceful for CVA. With the purging of resident pirates from the Deliverance corridor, many peace abiding corporations and alliances moved into the area. The most notable of them, Huzzah Federation, and later NOS, also moved into empty systems in Providence and become good friends and allies of CVA. It was also during this time that the major coporations Blood and Honor and The Legion of the Spoon joined. CVA's first outpost, the Inflatable House, was constructed in the X-R3NM system.

As CVA increased its grip on the area, they continued to conduct skirmish and raids against Ushra'Khan. It was also during this time that an issue arose with the Interstellar Starbase Syndicate. ISS intended to construct an outpost within a system controlled by CVA. After much sabrerattling ISS was convinced to construct their outpost elsewhere.

The Second TSDS War, Amarrian Civil War, and the Mercenary Incursions

In mid-108 EST, CVA once again found itself at war with the TSDS alliance, which had moved back to Kheram. An official war was declared and the 'Second TSDS War' ended with the withdrawal of TSDS forces from Kheram.

A further period of relative calm followed before CVA became embroiled in an Amarr versus Amarr conflict between the Amarr loyalist Aegis Militia alliance and the Versium Family alliance. CVA (and PIE Inc.) intervened on the Aegis Militia side, much to the annoyance of the Versium Family backers.

By August 108 EST, Verisum Family had organised a loose coalition of past CVA enemies (TSDS, The Priory, and Blood Inquistion) and mercenaries (Omniscient Order & KIA Corp) to attack CVA. This ragtag coalition was mercilessly stamped out after a few brutal hour long conventional fleet battles in the Kheram to Mamet pipe line just as its predecessors. However mercenaris such as SAS, CI and other factions were continually hired by other entities to fight CVA but most either lost funding or interest in the area and CVA prevailed.

Also during this time CVA's second outpost was set up in the system of ZT-LPU, expanding their claims to the borders of NOS.

Member Corporations

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