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Achura Overview

Achura has been part of the state for three centuries and joined and left the Federation at the same time as the State. Yet the Achur have always remained a mystery to others. Hailing from the inhospitable Saisio system in The Forge, the Achur are as reclusive and introvert as one can be and still parkate in galactic affairds. Intensely spiritual, the material world holds little interest to the average Achur. Achur pilots have been few and far between in the past but the recent sacrilege of their home world prompted them to take to the skies in greater numbers.

What we can deduce from this is the race's intense spirituality and isolation. What seems to be a little strange is for a race described with the words "the material world holds little interest to the average Achur" to be a part of the galaxy's ultimate capitalist State.

Intensely spiritual

We do not really know the form this spirituality takes, it seem that with the Japanese slant the achura have, this might be some form of buddhist/zen philosophy.

and left the Federation at the same time as the State

We do not know their reasons for leaving the federation, nor why they chose the State. Did the Achur take part in the Caldari - Federation war? It would seem that if the Federation was at such pains to stop the Caldari leaving, it would probably be not particularly happy about the Achura leaving also. Would an ultimately peaceful race have taken part in such a war?

For a race that is described as 'reclusive and introvert' it seems interesting that they are part of any other state whatsoever, you might assume that they would prefer to be left alone, thus their recent entry into Galactic affairs seems interesting. What we know for sure from this is that for the Achur to have leapt into space as of late, something drastic must have happened to change this;

the recent sacrilege of their home world prompted them to take to the skies in greater numbers.

We are left to wonder what this sacrilege is. Obviously an invasion of Achura independance of some form. In posts on the IGS I proposed that this sacrilege was the presence of the Suvee corporation in Saisio, a corporation not known for it's sensitive practices, however this is simply supposition. Perhaps we will learn in time what this 'sacrilege' truly is?

Gender Descriptions


Female Achur are greatly sought after as teachers and mentors. Their intense interests in the metaphysical world give them great knowledge of everything from quantum physics to the human psyche. More importantly, it gives them the patience and modesty to look beyond their own petty interests and truly relate to others

This is an obvious reference to the Achura predisposition to science, a fact further shown by the possibility of acheiving Science lvl 5 at character creation. It is my hope that the Achur were not simply created to give players a good option for research alts but have the potential to be explored within themselves also.

Attribute Distribution

  • Intelligence 8
  • Charisma 3
  • Perception 7
  • Willpower 6
  • Memory 6

The extremely low charisma score is probably a reference to the race's isolationism, however, it seems at odds with the Female Achura description as it gives them the patience and modesty to look beyond their own petty interests and truly relate to others

The high intelligence is another nod towards their aptitude for science and a high perception seems like a reference to their 'intense spirituality'.

Ancestry Selection


Creativity is a prized attribute amongst the Achur, inventions are considered spiritual rahter than strictly scientific in nature. Only those in touch with themselves and the universe can 'tap' into the universal consciousness and return with novel ideas.

This seems to point to the spiritual nature of the Achura aptitude for science. Also evokes more buddhist imagery in the references to being 'in touch with themselvers'.


Thousands of monasteries are scattered around Saisio III, operated by dozens of different monastic orders. While each order has it's own code of conduct regarding member behaviour, celibacy and other issues, they all agree on one thing; only by perfecting the body can you perfect the soul

This one is interesting because it clarifies the Achur home planet as Saisio III and also suggests it is the only inhabited planet of the Saisio system, as no references are made to any other planets. Once again, a definite buddhist/zen theme running through this one.


While the spitirualism exercised by the Achur is not an organized religion in any sense, the Achura nation still holds seers and visionaries in high esteem. While the Achur are realistic enough not to attribute them with supernatural prophetic powers, these individuals are still regarded as posssessing uncanny understanding of what makes the universe, and humans, tick.

We find in this snippet that the Achur do not possess an organised religion, an important point. We also discover that the spirituality of the Achur is an intelligent one, illustrated by the point that these 'Stargazers' are not attributed with prophetic powers. The Achur 'religion' seems to take the form of more of a personal philosophy than anything organised.

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