The Imperial Commonwealth (Player corporation)

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The Imperial Commonwealth was a corporation that was created by its founding members, dissatisfied with Praxis Initiative, who left to form their own corporation. Founding members of this corporation were Zerx (CEO), Villwrath (director), Kamen (director), Battle (directer) and Nidia Masters (director). Nidia dropped out due to computer problems.

The corporation was created on Febuary 2, 2006. At the time, the corporation resided in Jita, prior to it becoming the market hub it is today. After a few weeks, the corporation decided to move to more profitable space.

The Imperial Commonwealth set up its home base in the Nakugard system. Due to a feeling of insecurity, this high security system was chosen over low security space. With the high market value of Isogen (nearly 120 ISK a unit), corporation's members spent their early days mining Omber to increase their wealth. After a month of high security work, the majority of the corp decided to make Arwa their home. There, The Imperial Commonwealth gained in strength, pushing pirate groups out of the local area.

A game channel was created to increase security further. Various friendly organizations used the "Frib Def" channel to inform people of undesirable entities in space. The organization was defensive in nature, and preferred to attack those who had caused trouble in the past.

Fribodi was not able to maintain complete security. Several organizations including The Kaizoku and Octobersnow remained, but with some of these groups maintained grudging respect for The Imperial Commonwealth and it's allies.

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