Within the EVE Online universe, manufacturing encompasses all activities involving the creation of items from lesser materials. Pilots and corporations may manufacture everything from ships and outpost components to ammunition and intermediary resources. It forms the primary source of most consumable resources in the EVE Online universe and is an integral part of the economy.
Manufacturing requires at minimum, the Industry skill trained to level 1. Any pilot can perform many forms of manufacturing without the need for any additional advanced skills. Without these skills though, the process may be slower or more resource intensive that with skill training. Also, some of the most advanced forms of manufacturing do require amount of skill training before a pilot may even attempt them.
All manufacturing requires a minimum of four basic things: a blueprint detailing the resources and components necessary to manufacture the item desired, the prerequisite skills detailed in the blueprint, the required components indicated on the blueprint, and finally access to a manufacturing service at a station or a player owned starbase.
Manufacturing Basics
The required skills for any manufacturing job may be found in the blueprint under the required skills section of the manufacturing details. The skill tree is color coded to better indicate whether the pilot meets the skill requirements. Any skills that are trained to the appropriate level are displayed with a blue background. Skills that are possessed but not trained to an appropriate level have a yellow background. Skills that need to be obtained and then trained have a red background.
Industry (1x) - 4% reduction in manufacturing time per skill level. At least level 1 is required to use most blueprints. Level 3 is required for additional manufacturing skills. The bonus speed increases the rate you can produce items and reduce some costs.
Advanced Industry (3x) - 3% reduction in all manufacturing & research time per skill.
Certain Engineering (e.g. Electronic Engineering) and all Physics (e.g. High Energy Physics) skills reduce the manufacturing time of any blueprint that requires them by 1% per level.
Increase number of concurrent jobs:
Mass Production (2x) - Allow 1 additional job per level.
Advanced Mass Production (8x) - Allows for an additional job per level.
Allows remote management of jobs:
Supply Chain Management (3x) - Proficiency at starting manufacturing jobs remotely. Each level increases the distance at which jobs can be created. Level 1 allows for range within the same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for full regional range.
Blueprints form the foundation of all manufacturing activity. They are required for every manufacturing job and define the component requirements, time requirements, and output. Selecting a blueprint in the industry window will display its properties in the upper manufacturing diagram. Input components are displayed on the left half of the diagram. Blueprint statistics are displayed in the center of the diagram. Output, manufacturing duration, and the isk cost is displayed on the right half.
Blueprints contain a property called "runs" that defines the number of final products that can be manufactured from the blueprint before it is consumed. Blueprint originals have an unlimited number of runs while blueprint copies have a finite number. Multiple final products can be manufactured from a single blueprint as long as the blueprint has enough remaining runs.
Like a pilot's individual skills, the properties of a blueprint can affect the efficiency and speed of manufacturing. Blueprints possess two properties that affect manufacturing. Material efficiency reduces the material requirements for each production. The reduction is equal to one percent of the final amount per level up to a maximum of ten percent at level ten. Time efficiency reduces the time required to complete a production. The reduction is equal to two percent of the final time per level up to a maximum of twenty percent at level ten. Each of these properties begin at level zero with new blueprint originals and can be increased through material efficiency research and time efficiency research.
Components form the majority of the cost of manufacturing activity. Manufacturing converts large amounts of raw or intermediate materials known as components into a final product. The quantity of components is directly proportional to the number of final components required. Manufacturing two units of an item requires roughly twice the number of components.
The types and amounts of each component can be found in the blueprint for the item. Selecting the blueprint in the Industry Window will display the component requirements on the left side of the manufacturing diagram. Adjusting the number of job runs will adjust the required number of components to reflect the overall manufacturing job. Components available in sufficient quantities will display a blue background and blue progress bar. Components without sufficient quantities will display a red background and red progress bar. Hovering over any insufficient components will display a tool-tip with detailed information.
Manufacturing Services
The manufacturing service at a station or player owned starbase provides the location where the manufacturing takes place. This service is generally found within stations, but may also be found within manufacturing arrays deployed around a player owned starbase. Unlike in pre-Crius EVE Online, there are no time restrictions or limits on how many manufacturing jobs that can be installed in a facility at one time.
Additional Factors
Without any skills, a pilot can only start a job in their current station. With the Supply Chain Management skill, though, the same pilot can remotely start manufacturing jobs at a distance of 5 jumps per skill level. This distance is not limited by Region boundaries.
Skill Prerequisites
Pilots who wish to manufacture anything must first train the Industry skill to level 1. Most Tech I and faction items are manufacturable with simply this one skill. As a pilot progresses, they may discover that certain advanced forms of manufacturing require advanced skills. Most Tech II ships and modules require two or three additional skills. A select number of advanced Tech I modules also require additional skills. These additional skills are found in two different categories. Science skills are often required to manufacture Tech 2 modules, while Industry skills are required to manufacture ships and ship subsystems.
Advanced Manufacturing Skills - Industry |
Manufacturing Duration
Certain skills reduce the duration of manufacturing jobs. The basic Industry skill reduces all manufacturing times by 4% per level. The Advanced Industry skill also reduces all manufacturing and research times by 3% per level.
Simultaneous Jobs
Without any skills, pilots are limited to one manufacturing job at a time. The skills Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production allow one additional manufacturing job for each level. Fully trained, these skills provide pilots a total of eleven simultaneous manufacturing jobs.
Besides blueprint efficiency levels, pilots can also improve the efficiency of manufacturing jobs through skills. The skill Material Efficiency reduces material required. The skill Industry reduces the duration of manufacturing jobs.
Example: Manufacturing in a Station
In order to begin a job, all the necessary components must be present in the same station. This includes enough material for the desired number of runs and in the case of a NPC factory enough additional isk to pay for the manufacturing duration.
After all runs are completed, the manufacturing job will be finished, and the manufactured goods will be available in the station.
- Move all the material necessary to the same station. The material must be inside a pilot's personal hangar or a corporation's hangar.
- Open the industry window. It can be found under the EVE menu's business sub-menu.
- In the blueprints tab at the bottom of the industry window, left click the blueprint necessary for the manufacturing job. It will automatically display the manufacturing job information in the diagram at the top of the window.
- Enter the number of manufacturing runs you would like in the box in the center underneath the blueprint.
- Click the Start button.
External links
- Manufacturing Optimizer Calculates and displays the most profitable manufacturing combination. -- OUT OF DATE