User:Brian Pennywise
Brian Pennywise'
Brian Pennywise is the CEO of the Nuclear Futures corporation.
He is rumoured to have played a primary role in the Gademam Abduction Incident (GAI), when a number of space-time anomalies appeared in the Gademam system and a shuttle named the "Phoenix" intersected and appeared to have successfully interfaced and passed into the vortex of one of the aforesaid anomalies. Aboard the shuttle were two passengers named Betty and Barney Von Krupp.
The anomalies are similar to the anomalies ustilised by rogue drones. The vortex at the center of these anomalies has never been interfaced with successfully by empire scientists due to its time differential with what has been determined to be an exit similar to that of a wormhole. Literally the exit is in a different time !
His primary role in the incident, as yet unproven, was the corruption of data in mainframe systems of the Gademam station. The prowess of his hacking skills is known in some social circles and is certainly possible that this action could have taken place. However, although every person but Brian Pennywise has been ruled out as being the actual hacker, it has so far been impossible to prove that he is the actual cause of the data corruption.
Known to be involved in warring against enemies using trade manipulation, he is responsible for massive investments into the market of New Eden. Analysts have predicted that in the future there is a serious risk of the Nuclear Futures corporation becoming one of the primary controllers of finances in Empire territory and a major financer of pirate operations in less secure areas. Direct proof of involvement in pirate operations has never been evidenced though property belonging to other capsuleers has appeared on the market following pirate actions in the Gademam and surrounding low security space systems. Although not illegal, further evidence in the dead flesh of the bodies of victims of pirating actions has appeared on the Kador contracting market for "Burial Purposes". Brian has declined to comment on this trade other than to say he is "...performing a honorary service for those that have passed on".
Capsuleers are advised by the DED to take caution when interacting with agents of the Nuclear Futures corporation.