Talk:Guristas Forlorn Hub

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Revision as of 06:58, 17 October 2013 by totenrage (Talk)

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So after I've done a few forlorn hubs i noticed that ship information ain't the same as what I have personally seen:

( Note, this may vary for every forlorn hub ) Initial group:

1x Dire pithi imputor scram/web 2x Dire pithi invader 2x Pithum eraser 2x Pithum abolisher 2x Pith Deathdealer 1x Pith massacrer 2x Pith Usurper

Wave 1:

2x Dire pithum abolisher 3x Pithitas deathdealer 1x Pithitas assasin 3x Pithitas revolter 1x Pithitas enforcer 3x Pith massacrer 1x Pith usurper

Wave 2:

Dire pithi destructor 1x pithitas assasin 3x pithitas executor 1x Pith extinguisher 2x Pith Exterminator 1x Pith eliminator ECM 2x Pith massacrer

Wave 3:

2x Dire pithi invader web 2x Dire pthum eraser 6x Pith usurper

Pithi = Frigate Pithum = Cruiser Pithitas = Battlecruiser Pith = Battleship

  • Dire means its elite and will do more damage and have better resists

As a carrier; Frigates will go for your light/medium/heavy combat drones, cruisers will go for your sentry drones

Estimated payout +- 25 mil

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