Political roster of the Khanid Kingdom

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The political roster of the Khanid Kingdom, or some would speak of the political powers blocs, can be slice in to two dimensions. First, along the vertical level, with it's political groups; secondly, along on a social level, with it's royal castes. Each power bloc has is own goals, affiliation and tools to influence royal politics. On the vertical axis can the Kingdom be generally divided into five blocs of opinions, On a social level — along the royal castes — can the Kingdom be as well divided into several blocs. Those castes have strict rules and and traditions, which also shapes the political landscape. Visitors should understand that those groups aren't mostly made of people which have by choice associating oneself with a political group. It is more the case that the hierarchical feudal system — with it's alliances and the castes — bounds you to a certain bloc. Within the capsuleer class are those boundaries not the same and a "free" align to a certain group is more likely.

Political Groups


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The main political groups are the:

Royal Castes

The royal castes are social groups, which are constrained by law (privileges and/or disadvantages) and clearly separated from each other. Their rights and privileges, which shapes greatly their political goals, are subject of politics. On the top of the caste pyramid stands the King, followed by the royal family, and holders. On the next level are the vast majority of people, the commoners; which can wildly range in their wealth, influence and power. The clergy inside the Kingdom doesn't play a large role as political group. For example slaves are formost seen as working forces[1] and secondly as individuals in need of salvation. Additionally, there is no Theology Council or centralized religious authority in the Kingdom aside from the King, so the Kingdom Holders assume many of the duties undertaken by the priesthood in the Empire.[2]


The Kingdom is not just a playground for inter-corporate disputes and corporate power plays of Caldari megacorporations,[3] it is also the playground for the native companies. The Khanid corporations and their special interest organisations are an important political interest group, which try to influence the government but do not hold power in the government. Nevertheless, they try to be part of the process of policy formulation and state action.


The Kingdom has fair share of illegal political, religious sekts, as well as secret societies, and revolutionary activists. The most infamous ones are: Equilibrium of Mankind, Sani Sabik; and the gruesome Sani Sabik cult: The Blood Raiders.

See Also


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