3rd Parties
A well known provider of in-game 3rd party services based upon trust the 3rd party service has ran for a long time providing secure means for transactions of trillions ISK.
Along with Chribba probably one of the most famous and trusted third party names able to ease along the sometimes troublesome way of handling supercapital sales ingame.
Former leader of D00M. and TRIUMVIRATE. He has no open thread
Barracuda II
Helps Chribba,Grendell and Darkness if they have a long list of customers waiting to sell a super capital. Vouched for by all 3rd parties. Ocassionaly does Supercapital transfers if he is not busy. Currently does in-house trades for his coalition. Best way of contacting is via Eve Mail
Massive Market investor and 3rd party, probably the hardest to get hold of for trades but still around to do trades.
Wirox Crotikus
I have been a 3rd party for many alliances. People have been paying my upfront for a Titan, and my job was then to get them one. I have done multiple trades around New Eden, and on top of that im also securring my own lotterys with supercaps as prizes.