Player Corporation

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In the MMO Eve Online a Player Corporation is a player created virtual entity within the virtual game play world of New Eden. The New Eden Player Corporation is styled after a corporation in the real world and similarily operated under the leadership of a CEO with dictatorial power within the corporation structure. In most cases a Player Corporation in New Eden is simply referred to as a "Corp".

The structered game play facilitated by a Player Corporation provides a setting in which like minded players can come together and participate in game play activites. Frequently the pod pilots in a Player Corporation work together for one or more common purposes to advance their joint game play goals. This may include Mission Running, Mining, PvP, Trading, Starbase Management and anything else that an organized group of players might choose to accomplish.

A Player Corporation in New Eden may consist of anywhere from one (1) pod pilot player up to Sixty-Three Hundred (6,300) pod pilot players. In the New Eden virtual corporation structure a pod pilot is typically refered to as a "corp member". Just as in many real world corporations the actual or real authority of a CEO is limited to that of being able to "hire" and "fired" potential corp members.

Required Skills

In order to create a Player Corporation within New Eden you must train the player skill book Corporation Management to Level 1.

If the Player Corporation has more than three (3) pod pilot members and the current CEO of the Player Corporation wishes to resign if none of

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