Anette Inhonores (Character)

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Born 102.08.25 (age 12)
Monipuolinen, Gallente Prime, Luminaire
Occupation Actress, singer, activist
Years active 111-present

Anette Inhonores (born August 25th 102) is a Gallentean actress, singer and activist. She achieved mild renown as daughter of famous capsuleer Seriphyn Inhonores, appearing in infomercials for various charities and retail corporations, earning status as a "Gallente Golden Girl". In September 112, her breakthrough performance in Keisi saw her rise meteorically in fame, becoming a poster girl for various charitable causes in the Gallente Federation.

Personal life

Anette Inhonores was born in Monipuolinen, Gallente Prime, daughter of Rhea Heavenbound and Seriphyn Inhonores. For much of her growing up, she remained mostly in the care of her grandfather, Augustus Inhonores, a retired Federation Army CSM. She is of mixed descent, her heritage composed of Gallente, Deteis and Jin-Mei ethnicities.

In May 112, Inhonores lost her mother and younger brother, Jaidon Heavenbound, to a Nation attack on Vevelonel. This had a noticeable effect on her level of fame, something she has stated to "take in stride".

Her main residence is with her father on the Federation Navy Assembly Plant around Orvolle I, though she primarily boards at the Orvolle School for Sports and Performing Arts, her current institute for secondary education. She also has a residence in Elusenia, on Vale IV, and maintains a quirky set of artificial intelligences.

Professional career

Mid 111 to early 112

Inhonores was approached in midyear 111 by Aliastra to appear on various commercials marketing household products specifically targeting single parents that were forced to look after their children due to the absence of a spouse. The products, that ranged from domestic androids to cleaning agents, were sold in the Essence and, bizarrely enough, Domain regions. Her background as a child with absent parents was stated by Aliastra to be one of the main reasons they approached Inhonores.

Following the liberation of Covryn in December 111, and the subsequent campaign led by the Federal Defence Union to return the occupied territories to Federation control, Inhonores was approached by notable charity Renyn Relief, who are responsible for many humanitarian endeavours in the war-torn regions of Placid and Black Rise. With her father one of the leading figures in the militia campaigns, Inhonores was used counterbalance such militaristic overtones, and appeared in various infomercials seeking to generate support for the charity outside of the Placid region. Moreover, the reputation of Renyn Relief had been severely compromised following a string of investigations by the FIO's Special Department of Internal Investigations and Federal Security.

As the campaigns continued, and the reputation of her father grew, Inhonores continued to be a poster girl for Renyn Relief, increasing in fame herself. She was approached in March by an Impetus subsidiary to star in her own holo production for release later that year, subsequent to the entertainment media dubbing her as a "Gallente Golden Girl". However, in May 112, the deaths of her mother and younger brother, Rhea and Jaidon Heavenbound, saw Inhonores leave the public light for over a month, cutting ties with Renyn Relief. It was rumoured that she resided on Amarr Prime for the duration.

Late 112

In September 112, Inhonores' debut holo Keisi was released to widespread critical acclaim, with the premier in the city of Garda on Villore IV. The holo was marketed throughout July and August in tandem with Inhonores appearing as an advocate for children who were orphaned by the recent mass abductions by Sansha's Nation. Her status as a child icon, showing resilience in the face of her bereavement, garnered widespread support from the younger populations of the Federation, and their parents.

Inhonores announced her intention to appear in two new productions for 113, including Beyond the Veil and Ewd & Stin. She also stated the possibility she may star in a currently unnamed sitcom for broadcast in the latter half of that year, as well as appear in new commercials for Quafe and FedMart, advertising children's fashion, toys and entertainment.


In May 113, Inhonores resumed her relationship with Renyn Relief, most notably visiting a reconstruction and repopulation project in Ostingele, after a Sansha incursion emptied one of the colonial worlds. She spent much time visiting an array of colonies both planetside and in space that have been affected by the recent conflict with Nation. Amongst details of her most recent activities, there were hints about the possibility of her appearing alongside Jin-Mei pop star Lanla Kaikai during her tour in the Lirsautton home territories.

Later, in June, Inhonores took the time to speak to the entertainment press about Taniqa, an Amarr-Gallentean AI doll that offers companionship for young girl designed and promoted by herself, and her latest fashion range composed of stylish colonial wear. During this period, Inhonores appeared in promotional material for Simo Reshar’s Natural Way movement alongside the Federal Department of Education's corresponding initiative. The end of the month saw Beyond the Veil released to mostly positive reviews, though many found her performance a rehash of Keisi, only increasing anticipation for Ewd & Stin's release in August.

VilleActif! was released that July, a children's holo-series focused around health, fitness and sports, aimed at the primary and early secondary school demographic. Anette stars as Luna alongside Brutor-Gallentean athlete Oguko Monatave, supported by a cast of cartoonish androids. Well-received by parents, the first series was broadcast three times a week over two months at 0700EST on FedKids, for a total of 24 episodes.

For Anette's eleventh birthday, not long after the release of Ewd & Stin, she performed alongside Jin-Mei singer Lanla Kaikai live on stage in Lirsautton, along with Kaikai's all-female backing band and the Ysiette Philharmonic Orchestra. The 20-year old singer's personal gift to Anette Inhonores was a deal with her music label to record a full-length album of her own, for release some time in the near-future.

Controversy erupted when Inhonores was implicated in the assault and hospitalization of an older student at OSSPA. She apologized publically for the incident, with mixed reactions from a variety of different demographic groups. The victim's family did not press charges.

Early to mid 114

Anette Inhonores continued to star as Luna in VilleActif! for a second series, with the soundtrack for the first series finally being released after numerous copyright issues. Inhonores would spend the bulk of 114's first half starring in an extensive number of productions for release later that year and into the next. This would include a full-length album recorded and produced in cooperation with Lanla Kaikai, as promised the previous year. It also involved principal production for as many as 4 feature-length productions, one of which was a sequel tie-in to a Jin-Mei animation serial that was also to be released that year, and another which was touted to be accompanied by a stage production for next year.

A third series for VilleActif! was produced for release in November, and a new fashion range titled Bourynes Industrial was released with over 210 products aimed at girls living in industrial locations on harsh planetary environments. It would overall by an extremely busy period for Anette Inhonores, with public interaction notably dropping off during this period.

Late 114 to early 115

In September 114, Anette Inhonores's grandfather, Augustus Inhonores, announced the forming of the Destiny Foundation, a humanitarian organization and private foundation that would be funded by 99% of profits earned the girl's brand. Anette Inhonores would sit as the co-chair alongside her grandfather. Destiny Foundation would proceed to dedicate itself to improving improving child healthcare, child education, and child living/working conditions across poor Federation countries. Championing the cause, Anette Inhonores would take an active role visiting communities where Destiny Foundation had committed itself too.

In March 115, the Destiny Foundation announced the forming of the Serenissma Respublico of Elusenia, a corporate republic to be administered by the humanitarian organization. Initially, Inhonores was touted to adopt an aristocratic noble title to symbolically recognize her position in relation to Elusenia, but she ultimately rejected the proposal. Instead, Inhonores would retain unofficial ties to Elusenia by her position as co-chair of the Destiny Foundation, the governing authority. She would spend time making visits to other Gallentean planetary countries for the sake of publicizing Elusenia to the wider Federation.


Below is a list of all media productions featuring Anette Inhonores in any capacity.


Keisi (112) - Charlotte Tarjuunen
Beyond the Veil (113) - Sye Olasent
Ewd & Stin (113) - Betta the Bax
Tepe's Day Up Above (114) - Cavini
Grey City (114) - Sarah Finbridge
Slates (115) - Bel
Battle Chassis Omegin Century 6th: Final Acts (115) - Seleen Empress Vysena Jecen


VilleActif! (113-present) - Luna
Battle Chassis Omegin Century 6th (114) - Princess Royal Vysena Jecen


Slates (115) - Bel


VilleActif! - The First Album (114)
Girl's Garden (114)

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