Angel Watch
first room
consists of 4 waves
warpin on gate NPC is ~60km away and aggro after a few seconds
communications officer and communicatins transmitter spawn a new wave last spawn a Millitant commander that unlocks the gate
gate can be unlucked with a Angel Silver tag
some elite frigs
8 cruisers 42 frigs/destroyers (counted wrecks)
second room
Message >Gist Missile Battery Operator: An intruder is here! Defend the Drug Factory at all costs!
5 heavy missile batterys 20-80km away
4 gistior defiler
5 gistior haunter
approching structures spawns 3 cruisers and 2 destroyers
spawns appear 50-60km away 4 in total
shooting drugfarm sapwns overseer with 5 eleite guards
killing overseer may spawn a Domination Frigate NPC and/or leand to escalation "The Nuclear Small Arms Project" overseer dropped only t1 loot, no salvage
escalation message:
Your instruments suddenly flash a string of emergency messages. A transport ship connected to this station is reporting a malfunction and provides its location.