Minmatar COSMOS Guide
Minmatar COSMOS Guide
The Minmatar COSMOS constellation can raise faction standings from 0.0 to over 5.0 unmodified with no additional storyline missions run. It is recommended you have Republic Fleet standings above 6.0 beforehand, though these missions can assist you in achieving those standings. COSMOS complexes generally have widely varying ship class restrictions from frig to battlecruisers. Battlecruisers are generally the preferred ship to generate isk, though an assault frig will not have to worry about gate restrictions. Most courier missions can be done in an assault frig, though may require cargo expanders.
Unless you buy the items needed off the market, you will need an Analyzer and a Codebreaker for some of the missions/plexes. Nakugard makes a good base of operations, as many of the mission and agent locations are in or next door to Nakugard.
The Minmatar high-sec COSMOS exploration sites are located in the Ani constellation.
Level 1 Agents
Standing requirement 0.0
Kraimir Mork
Corporation: The Leisure Group
System: Nakugard
- 1) Trade 150 units of Oxygen 57m3
- Reward ISK
- 2) Encounter Grace Tarsis
- Reward ISK
Complex Guide
Complex - Traun
Remy Ouch/Eifyr & Co - Lanngisi X 1 - Overrun Security Corridor - nefantar bunkers - Refugees Tarak Harkund/Brutor - Uriok X 1 - Overrun Security headquarters - bestower - Sadry Damoklet's Head Bukar Robaerger/Brutor - Traun X 3 - Overrun Security Corridor - okham - okham's head : security corridor - bunkers - cracked keycard : Nefantar Base - black Viper - transputer orb Krak Hakkaras/RF - traun X 1 - First Corridor - Comlink Scanner - Broken Comlink Scanner Ramakell Tikrest/Vherokoir - Uriok x 1 - overrun security headquarters - republic navy container - navy issue amplifier Poreg Murchor/RF - Traun x 2 - First COrridor - Podded Pilot - Podded pIlot : Destroyed Nefantar Base - Norak Pakkul - Norak Pakkul's DNA
First Corridor:
Comlink Scanner - Broken Comlink Scanner Podded Pilot - 5 X Podded pIlot
Overrun Security Corridor:
nefantar bunkers - 3 X Refugees republic navy container - navy issue amplifier bestower - Sadry Damoklet's Head okham - okham's head bunkers - cracked keycard
Destroyed Nefantar Base: black Viper - transputer orb Norak Pakkul - Norak Pakkul's DNA
Angel outpost: not used
Complex - Inder
Sinogor Nitrut/RF - Inder - Scanner Tower - Angel Cartel Scanner Data Penda Rakken/Republic Parliament - Nakugard - Lagaster Malotoff - Lagaster Malotoff's tag Them Burkur/Republic Security - Nakugard - Nanom Basskel - Nanom Basskel's Ship Logs
Overrun Headquarters: Scanner Tower - Angel Cartel Scanner Data
First Room: Lagaster Malotoff - Lagaster Malotoff's tag Nanom Basskel - Nanom Basskel's Ship Logs
Shopping List
Complex - Inder
Overrun Headquarters: Scanner Tower - Angel Cartel Scanner Data First Room: Lagaster Malotoff - Lagaster Malotoff's Tag Nanom Basskel - Nanom Basskel's Ship Log
Complex - Traun
First Corridor:
Comlink Scanner - Broken Comlink Scanner Podded Pilot - 5 X Podded pIlot
Overrun Security Corridor:
nefantar bunkers - 3 X Refugees republic navy container - navy issue amplifier bestower - Sadry Damoklet's Head okham - okham's head bunkers - cracked keycard damaged portal - Mysterious portal parts
Destroyed Nefantar Base:
black Viper - transputer orb Norak Pakkul - Norak Pakkul's DNA
Public Spaces
Complex - barkrik - Debris (archeology) - Nefantar Sculpture Scavange Complex - Barkrik - Maru Hacker - 8 X Hacker ID Slice Scavange - Barkrik - Carnival - Famon Gurch - keycard (will be consumed) Scavange - Barkrik - Ice Field - Kyan - Kyan's DNA probe complex - barkrik V - amarr - NEED AMARR NAVY CAPTAIN INSIGNIA I - Bono Zakan - Bono Zakan's Corpse Scavange - Hjoramold - X-M17 - Maru Hacker - 8 X Hacker ID Slice Scavange - Hjoramold - X-M8 - Maru Hacker - 8 X Hacker ID Slice Scavange - Hjoramold - Sniper ID slice scavange - hjoramold XII-M1 - ST 60 Memory Chip Complex - Hjoramold - X-M17 - Prison Facility - Kardimo Palettan Complex - Hjoramold - harkin's gate -> hieron's blasted base - arrak nutan - gist database codes Complex - Horjamold - sispur - Sispur's Security Camera Logs (need keycard from famon gurch) probe complex - hjoramold XII - searcher drone's memory chip probe complex - Hjoramold IX - Rekker's keycard - NEED HACKER ID AS NON-CONSUMABLE KEY Scavange - Nakugard? belts - Cyber Nomad's Wreck - 9 X Finger BOnes scavange - Nakugard? belts - cyber nomad's wrecks - Portable Power Generator complex - Tvink - 2nd room 4 x angel drug addict tag complex - Tvink - 2nd room Godun Sakt's Diamond Drill complex - Tvink - 2nd room Godun Sakt's Questionable Holoreel