Regional Guristas Command Center

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Revision as of 10:16, 25 December 2011 by Konstantin Panfilov (Talk)

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Cosmic Signature Details
Regional Guristas Command Center
Signature Strength 5.0%
Type Radar
Equipment needed Codebreaker
Security Lowsec
Known Regions Lonetrek
Pirate type Guristas Pirates

This site contains 6 hackable containers.
Hacking attempts (or approaching containers) may spawn cruisers and frigates.
May spawn 2-4 cruisers (Pithi Anihilator using jamming) and 4-8 frigates/destroers (include Elite).

Cans are in groups of 2 far from each other (60-120km).

Each group contain Guristas Com Tower and Guristas Info Shard.

First group near stantion.
Second group in space (60 km from first).
Tri.. group in structure (120 km from first).

"A myriad of technological marvels inhabit this area of space, the physical guts of a powerful and well protected computerized network. A codebreaker module will be invaluable in uncovering the secrets that are likely hidden here, locked away inside data vaults and heavily encrypted digital networks."
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