Sansha Haven

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Anomaly Details
Sansha Haven
Type Cosmic Anomaly
Security 0.0 - -1.0
Known Regions Catch, Esoteria, Feythabolis, Impass, Paragon Soul, Providence, Stain
Pirate type Sansha's Nation
Pirate Detection Array
Lvl 1 ----
Lvl 2 ----
Lvl 3 ----
Lvl 4 -0.7
Lvl 5 -0.3

The Sansha Haven is a very difficult cosmic anomaly associated with Sansha's Nation. It is commonly found in zero security space in regions infested by members of the nation. The anomaly consists of one region of space with multiple spawns triggered by the destruction the previous spawn.

Initial Spawn
3 x (elite frigate)
4 x (battlecruiser)
7 x (battleship)
Second Spawn
3 x (elite frigate)
4 x (battleship)
Third Spawn
4 x (elite frigate)
4 x (battleship)
Fourth Spawn
4 x (elite frigate)
4 x (battleship)
Fifth Spawn
4 x (battlecruiser)
3 x (battleship)
Sixth Spawn
1 x (elite frigate)
4 x (battlecruiser)
3 x Centus Dark Lord (battleship)
1 x Centus Tyrant (battleship)


A True Sansha ship may appear at the end of this cosmic anomaly. This anomaly may also escalate into the expedition Centus Assembly T.P. Co.

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