Guristas Rally Point

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Anomaly Details
Guristas Rally Point
Type Cosmic Anomaly
Security 0.0
Known Regions Tenal, Venal, Tribute, Deklein,Geminate, Pure Blind, Vale of the Silentl
Pirate type Guristas Pirates
Pirate Detection Array
Lvl 1
Lvl 2
Lvl 3
Lvl 4
Lvl 5

Guristas Rally Point is a cosmic anomaly, found in the areas inhabited by the Guristas Pirates.

This encounter consists of 4 waves. Each spawning after killing the most valuable ships in the current wave.

Group 1

After killing this group you get a message in local: Squadron Leader: You will pay for that!

Group 2

  • 3x Dire Pithi Infiltrator (Frigate class) (web)
  • 3x Pithum Ascriber (Cruiser class)

After killing this group you get a message in local:

More hostiles warp into the area! Squadron Leader: You murdering bastard! Those men had families!

Group 3

  • 3x Dire Pithi Arrogator (Frigate class) (web)
  • 2x Pithatis Assassin (Battlecruiser class) (trigger)

After killing the trigger of this group you get a message in local:

Yet more ships arrive, their crews intent on avenging their fallen comrades!

Group 4

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