Sansha Military Complex

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Revision as of 08:46, 4 December 2011 by Elisa Fir (Talk)

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Complex Details
Sansha Military Complex
Signature Strength  ?
Type Unknown
DED rating Unrated
Security 0.0
Known Regions
Pirate type Sansha

Room 1

Spawn 1
6-7 Battleships
2 Cruisers
3 Frigates
8 Sentry Towers
2 Stasis Towers
Spawn 2 (enters with a delay, so it's possible to continue to room 2 without killing them)
5 Battleships
2 Cruisers
2 Frigates

Room 2

Spawn 1
8-9 Battleships
10 Frigates
Spawn 2 (triggered by shooting Military Barracks)
5 Battleships
5-6 Cruisers
1 True Sansha Battleship may appear delayed (~1 min)
Spawn 3 (triggered when Military Barracks reaches 50% structure)
2-3 Battleships
4 Frigates
8 Spider Drones
2 Sentry Towers
2 Siege Pulse Laser Towers

Military Barracks drops a can, which usually contains t1 mods and ammo.

Possible escalation into: David and Goliath

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