Template:Player Corporation Extended

From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 09:15, 10 February 2010 by ISD Salpsan (Talk)

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Corporation Details
Name {{{corpname}}}
Ticker {{{ticker}}}
Alliance {{{alliance}}}
CEO [[{{{ceo}}} (Character)|{{{ceo}}}]]
Founded on {{{founded}}}
Status {{{status}}}
Public Channel {{{publicchannel}}}
Website [{{{website}}} {{{webnicename}}}]
Alliances {{{prevalliances}}}
Former CEOs {{{prevceos}}}


This template is for use with player corporation pages and helps you display an extended info box. If you are looking for a less extended template use the normal one which can be found at Template:Player Corporation. This template will also automatically include your corporation in the Player Corporations category.

Copy and paste the code below into your corporation page and complete the info.

{{Player Corporation Extended


Note that you can add an additional entry to a new line if you separate the new entries with <br>.

{{Player Corporation Extended
|caption=Text to go under logo, can be empty
|corpname=Your Corp Name Here
|alliance=Your Alliance Name Here
|ceo=Your CEO
|founded=December 15th, 2008
|status=Active or closed
|publicchannel=Our public ingame chatchannel
|webnicename=Our fancy corp website
|prevalliances=first alliance corp was in<br>second alliance corp was in<br>etc... alliance<br>
|prevceos=Your Former CEO<br>Itookyourcorpwallet<br>
Personal tools
