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Revision as of 08:46, 22 December 2011 by Traidir (Talk)

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According to the article, "Isogen-5 is an exceedingly rare, extremely unstable variant of isogen found only in blue bright star (Type O1) systems."

I've looked also at the Chronicle: World on Fire and so I'm assuming that this bit of information comes from the chronicle which states:

""Every affected system had a Type-O star," the scientist stated. "And it appears that every single one of them had an identical event."
President Foiritan was beside himself. "‘Identical'? Where else is the loss of life so high—"
"Seyllin was the only world with a notable population," the advisor muttered. "Blue-star systems tend to be devoid of surface life, it's just too—""

However, Seyllin (and every system with Shattered Planets) actually has an A0 Blue Star. Thus both this page and the chronicle are inaccurate.

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