Members of the sixth CSM

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Revision as of 11:51, 15 August 2011 by Elise Randolph (Talk)

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The Members of the Sixth Council of Stellar Management are:

Player Name Character Name Corporation Alliance Position
Alexander Gianturco (US) The Mittani GoonWaffe (GEWNS) Goonswarm Federation <CONDI> Chairman
Mark Heard (US) Seleene Body Count Inc. (BDCI) Pandemic Legion <-10.0>
Mikhail Romanchenko (US) UAxDEATH The xDEATHx Squadron (XDSQX) Legion Of xXDEATHXx <X.I.X>
Robert Woodhead (US) Trebor Daehdoow Sane Industries Inc. (S.I.I) Intiative Mercenaries <IM>
Tim Pluples (Australia) Killer2 4S Corporation (4S) Morsus Mihi <Rawr>
Ross McDermott (Ireland) White Tree Autistic Shurks (SHURK) Test Alliance Please Ignore <TEST>
Sean Smith (Canada) Vile Rat GoonWaffe (GEWNS) Goonswarm Federation <CONDI>
Stephan Pirson (Belgium) Meissa Anunthiel Redshift Industrial (RS-I) Rooks and Kings <HARK>
Rob Weatherly (US) Draco Llasa Thundercats (HOO) Razor Alliance <-RZR->
Peter Farrell (US) Elise Randolph Habitual Euthanasia (HABIT) Pandemic Legion <-10.0> 1st Alternate
Adrian Mugnieco (Canada) Prometheus Exenthal 2nd Alternate
Mikhail Margulev (NZ) Krutoj 3rd Alternate
Joshua Goldshlag (US) Two step Aperture Harmonics (AHARM) K162 Alliance <K162> 4th Alternate
Joseph W Morris (US) Darius III 5th Alternate


Further reading

Dev blog about the election results: [1]

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