Talk:Code Aria Inquiry

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Omega Silver

Inner Circle Eyes Only

Directive Enforcement Department

Special Projects Office

Code Aria Inquiry

Report ID: RP/K6548.48K

Aria Patrol: Infested Region Progress Report

109.05.10. RP/K6548.48K.



Ref DocRef Document Location
1 DIR/O52.3811 CONCORD Directive Omega Five Two: Freedom of access of CONCORD classified material. DED Central Registry, Libraries and Archives Directorate.
2 DIR/O15.8473 CONCORD Directive Omega One Five: Regulation, Restriction and Control of Artificial Intelligences and Entities. DED Central Registry, Libraries and Archives Directorate.
3 RP/G9283.84A Empire Activity Report: Gallente Federation “Spectrum Breach” Expansion Program. CONCORD Document Repository, Office of Empire Intelligence.
4 CDCR.931/82G3 CONCORD Diplomatic Contact Summary –Gallente Federation “Spectrum Breach” Expansion Program. CONCORD Diplomatic Records Office.
5 SPO-DC/1/53.3 SPO Report Catalogue (Declassified) – Elements of Suspected Empire Cognitive Research. SPO Master Archive Office.
6 OPORD/782.212 CONCORD Standard Operating Order 782 –Lock-down, Quarantine, Isolation and Making Secure of Stargates and Associated Technologies. CONCORD Naval Central Command.
7 RP/F8464.43G DED Investigation Report – Code Aria Inquiry: Spectrum Breach Investigation. DED Central Registry, Special Investigations.
8 RP/F8903.57A DED Invstigation Report – Code Aria Inquiry: UGAI#108.11-HGW. DED Central Registry, Special Investigations.
9 SPO-C/1/47.7 SPO Investigation Report (Classified) – Orphyx Investigation Report. SPO Incident Investigation Office.
10 xx/xx-xxxx-x xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx. xxx xxxxxx cccccccc, xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx.


Contents of this publication should not be reproduced. Further disseminated outside CONCORD without the permission of the Inner Circle is punishable in accordance with Article 17 of the CONCORD treaty. Internal distribution orders are limited to those of Omega Gold class clearance and above. Inquiries concerning reproduction, dissemination, and declassification should be directed to the Office of Inquiries, Inner Circle branch.

These copies are Controlled Copies and are subject to standard CONCORD document control procedures.

CONCORD Directive omega-one-five

The CONCORD Directive omega-one-five [REF2] clearly states the accepted and in-force applicable to the Orphyx Incident. The relevant sections are reproduced here.

From [REF2]: ‘A1.1.3: Under the terms of CONCORD applied as Law in Empire Space (see directive Alpha One Two, DOCREF DIR/A12.0815), no person(s), company, organization or government including suborganizations such as described within Appendix A543 may, at any time or place, conduct themselves in research into any kind of cognitive, self-aware artificial intelligence program or entity. Included under this heading, but not exclusive are (i)Shipboard AI (ii)Station AI (iii)Drone AI (iv)Military AI.’

From [REF2]: ‘A1.1.4: A full list of Prohibited Entities can be found in Appendix A232.’

From [REF2]: ‘A1.1.5: Such research is prohibitively outlawed and any infractions by any such person(s) or group(s) will result in arrest, seizure of all assets belonging to said person(s)/group(s) and prosecution under Directive omega-one-five which carries a level five punishment.’


Produced at the request of the Inner Circle, this report details two current activities. The first is the current findings of the Code Aria Inquiry regarding the activation incident of the sealed regions and the subsequent steps taken for further investigation. As more recent information has come to light linking Code Aria’s. mandate with the Orphyx Incident, relevant information relating to the Code Aria Inquiry has been presented in this report, sourced from other documentation catalogued under the Orphyx Incident investigation master archive. A table of references has been included indicating archive document references and locations.

The second activity is the current progress of the approved Aria Patrol missions into the Infested Regions and a summary reminder of the team mission goals.

Addendum: 109.11.03

This document classification is to be lowered at the request of the Inner Circle, under CONCORD Directive Omega Two: Freedom of Access of CONCORD Classified Material. [REF1] This document is to be copied and copies made available to Omega Silver personnel currently conducting an activity audit at the request of the Inner Circle. Selective sensitive information has been redacted to protect the security and anonymity ofcertain organisations and parties investigated thereby.

Code Aria Inquiry Personnel

Principal personnel with an involvement in the Orphyx Incident and the Code Aria Enquiry are listed in Table A.001, Annex A. Furthermore, details of the resource requisitioned for the Code Aria Enquiry are listed in Table A.002, Annex A.

CONCORD Investigation of the Orphyx Program

The catastrophic end of the Orphyx program led to an investigation by CONCORD Special Projects Office (SPO), [REF9]. With clear jurisdiction over investigating unusual and secretive projects run by the Empires, the CONCORD SPO forced an official investigation on the xxxxxxxx corporation when large numbers of their staff were killed by the malfunctioning AI unit under development, the Orphyx. As the SPO's report states, [REF 9], because so many xxxxxxxx staff were unfortunately killed in the Orphyx incident, the collated interviews of the survivors paint an incomplete picture of the events that transpired before the Incident occurred. Prior to the Orphyx entity malfunction the SPO had received anonymous tip-offs. concerned with the development of the program, run by xxxxxxxx though they were deemed too vague to support an investigation at the time. However the closer monitoring of open GalNet communications, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx and xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx was approved by the Inner Circle and intelligence was slowly gathered on the potential nature of the xxxxxxxx project. This early information formed the primary intelligence that fuelled the Orphyx Program investigation in the wake of the disastrous malfunction. By the end of the investigation large quantities of personal GalNet logs, requisitions and official corporation research records that had been subpoenaed from xxxxxxxx.

As summarized in their report, the SPO's conclusion was that there was no substantive evidence to indicate that the intended outcome of xxxxxxxx's research was in contravention of CONCORD law, and that the incident was genuinely unforeseen and unexpected by their personnel. However, given the unique nature of. this incident the investigation team found the current directives surrounding AI research and development insufficient in key considerations. The lead investigator suggested that the Orphyx Program would have been classified as potentially dangerous by the SPO much earlier. The report levied the suggestion that the current directives, CONCORD Directive Omega One Five, [REF2], be revised to assist in the identification of potentially dangerous projects. The revised CONCORD Directive Omega One Five was ratified by the CONCORD Assembly.

The Orphyx Program investigation results formed the original basis of an SPO catalogue, Suspected Illegal Cognitive Research, [REF5] containing report summaries of research suspected to be in breach of CONCORD Directive Omega One Five (see Annex E). Since the Orphyx incident the SPO discovered multiple breaches of CONCORD Directive One Five and investigated them in full, continuing to update the Suspected Illegal Cognitive Research report with their findings.

Annex B details the pertinent logs and evidence pertaining to the Orphyx investigation and subsequent SPO discoveries.

Gallente Spectrum Breach Expansion Program

The initial expansion into what has now become known as the Infested Regions was first attempted by the Gallente Federation under what it dubbed Operation Spectrum Breach, [REF3], which officially began on standard date 88.05.19. Seeking to use its vast drone fleets and incorporating the latest advances in drone technology it quickly created Stargates connecting them to the new regions. Initial probes into the unexplored space confirmed a large portion of gateable systems and a wealth of minerals, and construction soon began. However four months after the first Stargate was commissioned an unspecified disaster occurred and an evacuation of the new systems was ordered, facilitated by the Gallente Federal Navy. The Gallente Federal Government, assisted by the xxxxxxxx corporation, quickly locked the access gates to the new regions. Why they would take such drastic measures was, at the time, unknown to CONCORD. However the Gallente Federation quickly approached CONCORD for assistance with the matter of securing the access gates during a closed session of the CONCORD Assembly. When pressed for details by the Assembly session on what had transpired beyond the sealed gates, the Gallente Federal Government refused to release details, [REF4]. CONCORD was able to bring the security of the sealed gates under its jurisdiction by a unanimous vote in. the Assembly session and has since kept them deactivated and secure.

By a majority vote, the decision was made to maintain a public blackout regarding the locations of the deactivated gates and public record was made on behalf of the Gallente Federation of an accident which halted the expansion program indefinitely. The creation of these Stargates was done without CONCORD notification and without the knowledge of other Empires. As such this was also made a matter of public record. Although the Empires regularly and covertly pursue policies against the spirit of the Yulai Accord, such a revelation was extremely embarrassing to the Federation.

In the wake of the gate closures, the Inner Circle convened an investigation commission named the Code Aria Inquiry. Its remit was to investigate the incident preceding the region closure, [REF7] and monitor the gates to ensure they remained sealed under official CONCORD guidelines, [REF6].

Code Aria Inquiry into Spectrum Breach

With the affected Stargates brought under CONCORD control and secured according to standard operating procedures, [REF6], Code Aria began to dispatch recon probes into the regions to ascertain exactly what had happened. Eight xxxxxx xxxxx probes were launched to the regional co-ordinates obtained from xxxxxxxx during the course of their investigation, [REF7]. The probes, using several activations of their xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx, arrived in the initial systems designated as xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx and xxxxxx.

The probes shortly thereafter ceased transmitting, but what little information they had reported have kept our scientists busy in the interim. Early into the investigation the decision was made by the Inner Circle to withhold the limited information we had so far from the Empire delegates until more solid information could be obtained in order to prevent a panic. Over the course of two years the Code Aria Inquiry investigation revealed enough information to form a conclusion and the final report was published, [REF7]. The Inquiry ascertained that multiple manufacture facilities dealing with deep space gate construction were destroyed and incontrovertible evidence, supported by anonymous witness statements among evacuated survivors, indicated they were destroyed and attacked by their own drone fleets.

In more recent years, a large and increasing number of Rogue Drone Hives have been encountered all over known space. Originally, these encounters had been dealt with by CONCORD response teams before they became public knowledge. However, an information leakage from within the Inner Circle in year 106 brought the existence of drone hives in deadspace pockets to public light. Although the infestation of empire space has been kept under control they are an ever prevalent threat to our security and rate highly on CONCORD's external threat indices.

In the wake of this information leak, the Inner Circle directed the Code Aria Inquiry to further research the origins of the Rouge Drone threat.

Uncontrolled Gate Activation Incident

On the standard date 108.11.27, a rare Uncontrolled Gate Activation Incident (UGAI) occurred when the sealed gates to the infested regions spontaneously and simultaneously activated. An investigation was conducted in the wake of the following events, [REF8] and the incident was labelled as UGAI #108.11HGW.

The Code Aria facilities monitoring the gates alerted the CONCORD Naval Central Command when the gate breach was detected and response ships were dispatched. However, it was discovered subsequently that the gates had been active for some time, and a sophisticated lockup of the gate control systems had been implemented which delayed the alert protocols. Stargate Control System logs for the incident were retrieved and analysed, both of which are included in Annex C. Immediately following the UGAI, a Jump Event was recorded by the gate logs. Atypically, the event analysis could not determine the type of ship – or even if there was a ship – that transited the Stargate.

The detailed event analysis in Annex C yielded several important facts, documented there. Namely, that the affected Stargates on the networks were all activated simultaneously, and included Stargates that were hitherto unknown. These Stargates were discovered by the response teams due to there being shared data transmission between those gates and the monitored secured gates. The fact that there were unknown Stargates connected to the network is currently under investigation.

According to the gate log analysis, the UGAI occurred between 12:00 standard time and 20:02 standard time, though it was not detected by the Code Aria monitors until after 20:02 when the system lockup ended. CONCORD elements in the area were unable to initiate an Emergency Lockdown by this time and CONCORD Naval Central Command placed all nearby fleets on Alert Gamma and prepared for a suspected full breach by Rogue Drones. Sweeps of the outlying systems and xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx telemetry confirmed that no Rogue Drone breach occurred, and further probes sent through the Stargates to investigate the far side were reporting in the clear. No Rogue Drone forces were detected in the vicinity of the gates and Alert Gamma was rescinded.

In the interim, the migration began as capsuleers started flooding through into the new regions as the now powered gate beacons transmitted their location. A general, albeit unspecific warning for caution was issued via the media and a public investigation into the gate activation was staged, eventually reporting inconclusive findings.

Uncontrolled Gate Activation Incident – Conclusions and Summary

The activation of the CONCORD protected Stargates into the Infested Regions took the locally-stationed forces by surprise and left CONCORD gate technicians somewhat uncertain. It had been initially assumed that the gates were reactivated by Rogue Drone elements, due in part to the sophistication of the gate hack. However this hypothesis does not stand up to scrutiny.

There was no large force of Rogue Drones waiting to use the gates to launch a mass invasion. Rogue Drone expansion has always been limited by their ability to travel out of the infested regions, and we believe that there have only been two Code Exodus events since the gate network was originally created. Most rogue drones existing in or close to empire space are believed to be offspring from these original events.

Further, the opening of the gates has proved detrimental to the drone infestation in the regions. The capsuleers have found the rogue drones to be a valued source of minerals and have become very adept at harvesting them. Rogue drones, well adept at combating against most of the standard bridge controlled ships existing in empire have proved less effectively dealing with the highly advanced capsuleer controlled ships. Our scientists surmise that this has kept the population of the infested regions under control, however we have had increasing reports through our xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, and a recent rare first hand confirmation (see Annex D), of missing capsuleers or abductions in the region. This has worrying implications.

However in all, the advent of capsuleer expansion has had a negative effect on the rogue drones and we suspect other entities for the activation event. Chief among these suspects is xxxxxxxx, the investigational conclusions for which are detailed in the UGAI investigation report, [REF8].

Following UGAI #108.11-HGW, and the resultant fallout, Code Aria decided that the open Stargates were less of a threat than initially thought and recommended they be kept open. This was fortunate, given CONCORD scientists were less than hopeful that deactivation was possible with anything less than brute force on such short notice. Also the investigation teams had still been unable to ascertain how the gates were forced open, making securing them again a questionable endeavour. Finally there is the issue of capsuleer forces in the area being stranded in desolate and infested regions of space.

However, the investigation into the Orphyx program continued apace and this represented an ideal chance to learn more about the rogue drone menace from where we had always assumed it originated. The more time invested into the investigation, the more it appears that the infested regions were their home. There was also the outstanding case of the initial jump event and the question of who had gone through. A short list of potential suspects has been investigated to no solid outcome. However we were convinced that they had not returned (See Annex C).

Code Aria Inquiry: Search and Survey Teams

In order to further the investigation Commander xxxxxxx xxxxxx, Chief Supervisor of Code Aria, drew up a proposal for the dispatch of 8 Search and Survey Teams (SST), designated the Aria Patrols, to enter the regions covertly. Further details of the Aria Patrol mission, along with requisition details, can be found in briefing note xxxxxxxxxx, [REF10]. As of xxx.xx.xx the Aria Patrols have been dispatched on their mission to the Infested Regions and long range communication has been established. Their penetration into the regions via the activated Stargates has, so far, been a complete success and contact with other shipping has been successfully avoided, thanks to careful planning and extended monitoring of the gate traffic.

Their mission is twofold:

  • To investigate the identities of the parties that breached the sealed gates.
  • To further research the Rouge Drones in their home regions.

All teams have now signed in with the Icarus team who has reported back to us through our xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx. This communication will continue at the pre-arranged times, as indicated in the approved mission plan, [REF9], by sending encrypted signals back to us via the xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx network. Each team has orders to remain in covert operational status as to avoid unwanted attention by the capsuleers in the region as well as to keep the whole operation off the general radar while the investigation continues.

Aria Patrol Teams

The teams were named after their flagships and were designated as follows:.

Icarus – Command of Major xxxxxxx.

Designated team lead, one of our most accomplished Special Forces officers of capsuleer designation was placed at the helm of the Icarus, first of our new line of combat vessels. There remit is the investigation of the region currently designated as xxxxxx to compare the combat ability of drones in this region to the documented empire strains, as well as to capture and hold samples for analysis back at the lab.

Sol – Command of Captain xxxxxxxxx The Sol team has been tasked with the comprehensive cartographical mapping of the remote Infested Regions, starting with region xxxxxx . Sol will be using the latest state-of-the-art xxxxxxxxxx probes dropped at various points in a system and then networked together to produce an accurate detailed map, detecting various hives within their radius. The team is to avoid combat at any cost and was composed of agile Recon ships with a small combat escort detail. Its sensor equipment is adequate to warn them of any incoming hostile before they became a threat to the team.

Pegasus – Command of Captain xxxxxxxx.

Comprised mainly of communications specialists, the Pegasus team was sent to region xxxxxx in an attempt to monitor and decode drone communications protocols. Further, if the opportunity presents itself, the team is to attempt to use state-of-the-art and xxxxxxxxx electronic warfare on the drones, as well as capture drone specimens for further study and testing of their communications circuitry. It is hoped that a clearer understanding of drone command and control networks could provide avenues for future weapons development to disrupt rogue drone operations should such steps become necessary in the future. As a surveillance/intelligence team, the Pegasus expedition is comprised mainly of Covert-Ops and Recon ships, with a few other vessels supporting in a supply and logistics role.

Argo – Command of Captain xxxxxxxx

Assigned to region xxxxxx, the task of Argo is to map the movements of single drones and drone clusters to establish whether patterns emerge in their distribution and determine what, if any, communications and logistics exist between different hives. Results of these surveys will be used in possible attack plans for small, agile units to disrupt potential supply lines of major drone hives. To maximize the area they could cover, and track drones over larger distances, the team consists of several small Covert-Ops ships with a central command and control ship.

Aeneas – Command of Captain xxxxx.

Assigned to long range search and investigation, Aeneas is tasked with discovering the identities of the parties who breached the secured gates on 108.11.27. The team is ordered to first search the region designated xxxxxx, and to report their findings to Icarus before the decision is made to extend their search pattern. Aeneas has been assigned a logistics team, and will be primarily using cloaked ships due to their. having little firepower. Aeneas has been given full access to the current investigation files and will be updated with new information during the designated contact times via the Icarus.

Ares – Command of Captain xxxxxx.

Comprised of hand-picked military veterans the team has been assigned to penetrate the xxxxxx region, assess any possible threats and evaluate the combat capabilities of the various drones within the systems. With their intelligence the threat index to the empires can be updated and revised. Comprised of the latest in assault and logistics cruiser technology, the Ares squadron largely dispensed with covert movement other teams used, in favour of simply cutting path of destruction through the drone threat.

Leonidas – Command of Captain xxx xxxxx.

Designed to gauge the Rogue Drones' responses to asymmetric warfare, the Leonidas team is comprised of multiple assault frigates and interceptors with light interdiction support and a central command ship assisting with skirmish warfare link packages. Additionally, two Covert-Ops frigates have been assigned to forward observation, post-action analysis and salvage. Rounding out the team is a single Logistics ship that will keep the smaller ships in peak fighting condition. Leonidas will engage in small-scale hit-and-run attacks. Their area of operations is the xxxxxx region.

Perikles – Command of Major xxxxx.

The most ambitious (and potentially dangerous) of the Aria missions is Perikles, sent to the xxxxxx region in an attempt to assess the possibility for high-functioning sentience among the drone population. If any signs of organized, adaptive intelligence are found, the team will report back to Code Aria with their findings. On. approval, they will move on to the second stage of their mission and attempt to establish communications contact with the drones with ambition of establishing potential diplomatic relations. An extremely small team, Perikles is comprised of a pair of CONCORD Covert-Ops frigates, one of which is primarily concerned with communications and linguistic decryption, and the second frigate hosting various diplomats, cultural anthropologists, and programming experts in the field of artificial intelligence.


ANNEX A: Personnel and material involvement

Name Service Status

Material Requisitions:

Requisitions filed with xxxxxxx to procure CONCORD classification vessels as required for Aria Patrol expeditions search & survey teams. Details of nonstandard ship specifications and ordinance available in briefing note, [REF10]. External procurement has been authorized in order to acquire advanced specialist ship and equipment designs for use by Aria Patrol expeditions.

Standard equipment requisitions have been files via CONCORD Central Procurement in Yulai. Specialist external requisitions are filed through the DED Procurement Office in Yulai under operation codename.

ANNEX B: Summary of Communications, Personal Logs and Reports Pertaining to the SPO Orphyx Investigation

The following are excerpts from the Orphyx Investigation Report, [REF9].

CONCORD SPO, Oversight Committee Log:

‘The xxxxxxxx office located at xxxxxxxxx Station have requisitioned another permit for further investigation into their new drone program. Review of their proposal has been handed up the chain as standard and is only noted here due to the frequency of permit applications into research we are getting from xxxxxxxx.’

CONCORD SPO, Approval Committee Log:

‘After review of application for research permit into drone cognitive applied for by the xxxxxxxx corporation we have decided to reject the application at this time. xxxxxxxx currently have 23 such permits active at this time, with 17 being utilised by the xxxxxxxxx laboratory. Also, the Oversight Committee has obtained several independent, yet anonymous concerns in the course of the last month regarding the Orphyx Project listed under the same laboratory. Further review will be applied after a period of two standard EVE months.’

xxxxxxxx, Personal Log (Subpoenaed from xxxxxxxx by the SPO Orphyx Investigation):

‘Our permit was rejected by the narrow minded bureaucracy over at the SPO. Nevertheless research into Project Orphyx proceeds apace and even without this permit we have many avenues to explore. Professor Bohat thinks he will have the prototype ready with a few weeks. Once the final tweaks to the software are completed we will be able to match the two, and our dreams will begin to become realized. Interesting times indeed.’

DED Incident Site Report Summary:

‘After a comprehensive review of incident at the xxxxxxxx offices on xxxxxxx station we can still not ascertain the cause. Our current theory points to a simple drone malfunction, however the sheer breadth of damage inflicted not to mention the unanswered questions of exactly how it managed to activate and control the xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx leaves us with many unanswered questions. The list of confirmed missing personnel is currently at 3 including the director of the facility. Exact fatalities have yet to be counted given the level of dismemberment making an accurate assessment of the dead impossible at this time. There was also extensive damage to several rooms and corridors, however there was no damage to airlock 5-FG which we believe the Orphyx used to escape.’

DED Forensic Investigation and Information Retrieval:.

‘Data retrieval has turned up minimal leads. It appears most of the research data was wiped. The investigating officer is convinced someone copied it before we got in but so far we have been unable to determine who or why. The forensics report has come back and one of the missing persons has been accounted for after body parts were found scattered over a wide area. The director of the facilities is still unaccounted for although apparently we may have one arm, but that is still awaiting ID tests and the other missing person is xxxxxxxxxx, the director's personal assistant.'

ANNEXC C: Uncontrolled Gate Activation Incident Logs and Event Analysis

Logs expressed in DED-LOOSE-15, Security BLUE.

//Daily Authentication Handshake Recycle

 :Gatenet:Handshake:FTGT-GEOK-TWGI-GT26R: :
 :System:Timecheck:1200.01267:ReComp:0.134: :
 :Synch:Synch:Synch:Link: :

/ /Handshake Complete / /Checked and Synched

 :System:Feedback:CheckIn:########: :
 :##################:Log:######Alpha: :
 :Security:Validate:######################: :
 :Validate:::CheckCheck: :

/ /Security Parameters Confirmed / /Log Contents Verified

 :Status:CheckReturn: :
 :Status:Confirm:A2:G4:T2:K5:W9: :
 :Status:Security:Params:DELTADELTAAMBER: :
 :Status:Verify:CommandIdleCycle: :

/ /Gate confirms status as: downline, inactive, locked off ... / /Omitting / /Omitting ... / /Log Query Follows

 :Event:Comms:Widenet: :
 :Query:Response:Verify:Verify: :

//Widenet comms traffic

 :Handshake:Source:Destination:Spread:Verify: :
 :ERROR:Source:Hashnet:Unverify: :

/ /Handshake gives transmission source as Hashnet; error

 :Command:Verify: :
 :Command:Verify:Confirm: :

/ /Command channel activation verified

 :Status:Security:DeepTwo:PrePrep: :
 :Comms:Verify:CommandCode:################################: :
 :Comms:CommandCode:Source:Hashnet: :
 :ERROR:CommandCode:Hashnet:UNVERIFY: :

/ /Command entered from source: Hashnet

 :System:Verify:Override: :
 :Status:PrePrep:CommandClear:######-#########-##: :
 :Command:WaitIdle: :

/ /Authorization codes received and accepted; waiting on input

 :System:Crosslink:Subset:OMEGA-NINE:Confirm: :
 :Status:Security:VerifyAndConfirm: :

/ /Status: lockstepped with group: Omega 9

 :Comms:Instep:OMEGA-NINE:Update: :
 :Update:Cyclic:G2T7:K6R9:GroupPush: :
 :Status:System:Preheat: :

/ /Group status update sets gate to: preheat

 :Update:Cyclic:KK77:Boot:GroupPush: :
 :Status:System:Onlining: :

/ /Group status update sets gate to: onlining

 :Status:System:Online: :
 :Status:TCont:Mode:4-K: :

/ /Gate online with traffic control in mode: 4-K

 :Command:Lockoff: :
 :Status:Security:Crosslink:Lockoff: :
 :Comms:Unshake: :
 :Idle: :

/ /Command circuit lockoff / /Group lockoff / /Comms channel closed ... / /Omitting ...

 :Event:TCont:Pointlink: :

... //Traffic Control receives point-to-point linkup

 :TCont:Comms:Query:IdentQuery: :
 :ERROR:IdentQuery:NULL: :

/ /Identification Query returns: NULL

 :TCont:ErrorHandle:NULLIdent: :
 :Comms:!PUSH:GEK############-#####:!: :
 :System:System:State:INDIGO: :
 :TCont:ErrorHandle:INDIGO: :

/ /Comms !PUSH sets system: INDIGO

 :TCont:Comms:Handshake: :
 :TCont:Handshake:Shake:Shake: :
 :TCont:Handshake:Verify: :
 :TCont:Comms:TransitRequest: :
 :ERROR:TransitRequest:PointMass:NULL: :
 :TCont:Comms:Return:ERROR: :
 :Comms:!PUSH:SuppressError: :

/ /Comms !PUSH sets: suppress errors

 :TCont:Comms:SlaveRequest: :
 :Status:Security:Auth:ReCycle: :
 :TCont:Status:Slave: :

/ /Traffic control status to: Slave using authorisation: ReCycle previous auth

 :TCont:Slave:TransitCycleInit: :
 :TCont:Slave:DestinationGate:Ready: :
 :TCont:Slave:PulseCalcs:Loaded: :
 :TCont:Slave:Transit:Ready: :
 :TCont:Slave:Transit:Init: :
 :TCont::Slave:Transit:Transit:NULL: :

/ /Gate completes transit operation with ID: NULL

 :TCont:Pointlink:Sourcelost: :
 :TCont:Status:Master: :
 :TCont:Transit:Cycledown: :

/ /System command: HOLD source:

 :Status:Security:ERROR:ERROR: :
 :Status:Security:Command:NorthWind: :
 :System:System:State:CYAN: :

/ /System reasserts local control and resets parameters to state: CYAN

 :Gatenet:Handshake:FTGT-GEOK-TWGI-RT92K: :

/ /System Request Handshake Recycle

 :System:Timecheck:1200.02384:ReComp:28802.1382: :
 :System:ReComp:Correct:Correct: :
 :Synch:Synch:Synch:Link: :

/ /Handshake Complete / /Timecheck discrepancy of length: eight hours two minutes corrected / /Checked and Synched

 :Feedback:CheckIn:########: :
 :##################:Log:######Alpha: :
 :Security:Validate:######################: :
 :Validate:::CheckCheck: :

/ /Security Parameters Confirmed / /Log Contents Verified

 :Status:CheckReturn: :
 :Status:Confirm:A1:G3:T7:K2:W6: :
 :Status:Security:Params:DELTADELTACYAN: :
 :Status:Verify:CommandIdleCycle: :

/ /Gate confirms status as: upline, active, processing / /Gate reports security flag: CYAN

The following is a mail discussion between CONCORD analysts assigned to Code Aria discussing the activation event and the unusual hallmarks.

To: xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx

Subject: UGAI #108.11-HGW: Log Code Summary

From: xxxxxx xxxxx, Code Analyst

At an unknown point between 12:00 and 20:02 standard, on 108.11.27, the gate in question received a widenet transmission. The source was identified only as coming from Hashnet, which is a catch-all group for anomalous/unsourced transmissions.

The system returned an Error: Unverify but subsequently accepted a Command-mode request. This is an undocumented/unsanctioned response in that state. The transmission then supplied the correct set of command codes, pushing the system into WaitIdle state (waiting for new commands).

The next command places the system into a crosslink with group "Omega 9". All other gates into the quarantine area are moved into this group by a similar command within the time period in question.

The group is then given a mutually-supported push to preheat and then online all gates in the group. The crosslink/GroupPush approach bypasses error-checking safeguards and backups.

Traffic control is placed into mode 4-K and the command system is locked off, and the transmission terminates.

At some later time within the window, the gate receives a local point-to-point transmission from a source returning the ident "NULL". This should not be possible to generate in the first place, and should be ignored by the system.

The system then receives a !PUSH command requiring it to recognise the associated code – in this case a classified GEK-prefix string. This places the entire system, including error-handlers into INDIGO, a restricted diagnostic mode. This is followed by a string of commands setting up a gate transit, suppressing further errors and slaving Traffic Control to the signal's source.

A transit event ("jump") takes place with ID logged as "NULL" – this again should not be an achievable outcome, but the system is in an undocumented state at this stage so this is not as surprising. Once the Transit completes, the transmission is broken off, Traffic Control reasserts local control and a "HOLD" request is logged, with no source. This command and its effects admit of no explanation at this time.

At approximately 20:02 standard, the system reinitialises and security protocols move the system to CYAN as per guidelines. The gate requests a handshake, corrects the eight hour system clock error and reverifies its status. The gate is then left in CYAN but with all gate functions active and within parameters for an operational inter-region pair.

To: xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Gate UGAI #108.11-HGW: Event Analysis

From: xxxxxx xxxxx, Chief xxxxx Officer

The first transmission comes from an unidentified remote source. The user clearly knows a great deal about the system, and possesses valid command codes for this gate. Quarantine Codes are restricted to level xxxxx xxxx, which means they should not be released without Inner Circle approval. How the user came into possession of them is unknown. The technique of moving all gates into a separate group and then grouppushing status updates is not documented anywhere in SOO 782, [REF6], that we are aware of and was not considered when safeguards were put in place. I recommend this issue be brought to the immediate attention of CONCORD Central Naval Command and the SOO revised.

This initial transmission demonstrates exceptionally advanced knowledge of gate systems, confirms a serious internal security breech and is executed extremely deftly. When initial reports of active quarantine gates came in, response efforts were unfocused due to all quarantine gates activating simultaneously. By the time the source gate – xxxxxx, from which these logs were taken – was identified, the trail was cold.

The second transmission appears to have originated from a vessel within the same spatial grid, likely within direct proximity to the gate itself. The user here forces their way into the system using !PUSH command with an undocumented GEK-prefix string. The system is slaved to the transmitting ship which performs transit calculations locally (minimising ship data logged by the gate) and then initiates the transit while still connected. The transmission ends abruptly when the ship transits, and the system reasserts itself after the HOLD expires.

This transmission also utilised undocumented functionality – the GEK-prefix code noted in the log – but used it in a very direct and unsophisticated manner. The position of the SupressError command in the log suggests the user here is not experienced with these systems. The sourceless HOLD command is a point of confusion which is still being investigated.

ANNEX D: Aria Patrol Communications

The following was sent to us by Captain xxxxxxxx on patrol in the Lone Trek region. Please advise connection to missing capsuleer reports in the Infested Regions and the possibility of further potential abductions of capsuleer pilots, including CONCORD personnel, on the fringe of secured empire space.

To: xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx

Subject: URGENT Recovered ship log from xxxxxxxxx

From: xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

At an unknown time between 03:00 and 05:00 Standard this morning, one of our ships identified as xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx initiated an emergency system eject.

The location of said ship at the point of the eject is still unknown, as further transmissions of the system's safety log was scrambled by the involved parties responsible for the ship's destruction. Also, the fate of the capsuleer piloting this vessel is unknown, expected to be a casualty.

Our team of technicians was able to recover the data found in the attached file.


xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Attachment 001:


/ /System: Initiating self-diagnostics


/ /System: Initialing boarding sequence


/ /System: Self-diagnostics complete, all systems operational


/ /System: Handshake verified, boarding complete. / /System: Welcome, ######### #########


/ /System: Requesting undocking sequence.


/ /System: Undocking request accepted. / /Omitting ....


... / /System: Warp drive disengaged, resuming normal flight.

 :System:Link:2748943156:####-####-####-####:R195: :

/ /System: Connect to Gate command, verification pending.


/ /System: Request verified.

 :System:JumpDrive:Activate:2748943156:R195: :

/ /System: Jumpdrive activated, destination: ###-## / /Omitting


/ /System: Warpdrive Active, destination: 1,1,1


/ /System: Warpdrive shutdown, reason: Unable to activate, Warp field out of sync


/ /System: Initiating shield boost overload at 130%.


/ /System: Shield booster unable to activate, systems damaged.


/ /System: Internal systems failing, activating emergency backup systems


/ /System: Broadcasting log, Capsule Eject sequence 597


/ /System: Error, unable to eject capsule. ..

/ /EOF

ANNEX E: Summary of the other suspected but yet unconfirmed illegal AI programs

The following programs have all been flagged as highly suspicious under the current theory that attempts at replication of the Orpyhx AI, in at least part, is being conducted. The last recorded case was more then 10 EVE years ago leading the team to believe the AI program had been lost or destroyed. These summaries have. been taken from the SPO Report Catalogue, [REF5].

1. Magnus: A ship designed as xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx, created by xxxxxxxx, broke free of moorings and went rogue. Last know travel vector leads towards the Infested Regions.

2. Creoptolemus: Advanced self and remote repair xxxxxx for use of xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx. Combined with xxxxx-xxxxx technology in efforts to have self-maintained civilian and military drones, xxxxxxx xxxx reported missing. Key engineers and scientists have been identified as former Orphyx project members. (See Annex F for questioning)

3. Lazara: The xxxxxxx complex in orbit of xxx.xx.xx fell silent on xxxxxxxxx A reconnaissance flight to the area revealed that the facility has suffered extensive damage to structures. Of most note was the total absence of station personnel. Manned modules were found to be breached and exposed to vacuum. Analysis suggests some form of boarding equipment was used to access the modules, no. occupants were found. The Lazara xxxxxxx xxxxxxx drone was not found in its assigned storage hangar. Hypothesis raised after the incident suggests that the Lazara’s higher functions were disabled and might require fresh xxxxxx material in order to restore xxxxxxxx analysis functionality. Location of the Lazara is currently unknown.

4. Prosperia: The Prosperia search & recovery unit, while undergoing semi-autonomous field trials, failed to return to base. The xxxxxxx Navy control ship was dispatched to locate Prosperia and determine the failure. Prosperia was not found but in xx different locations derelict civilian vessels were found. Each stricken ship was found with its hull torn open and cut down to its reactor core. It was determined that the reactors were now inert and in the cases where the ship used a propulsion system of xxxxxxxxx origin, partially dismantled with components removed. It has been suggested that Prosperia might have executed redundant search and recovery routines and acquired the ability to xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx.

5. Heaestus: Next generation construction drones, codenamed Heaestus by the xxxxxx developers xxxx xxxx was designed to xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx installed into a construction platform before implementation in the actual build, and discard wastage at its own discretion. This would lead to a more efficient build of the outpost overall. Fire alarms at the xxxxxxx xx facility mobilised the local security force. The report afterwards states that multiple fatalities were recorded and there was extensive damage to the storage bay after a completed batch of xxx prototype Heaestus drones, earmarked for a test deployment later that month, activated and attempted to break free of the facility. Investigation teams recorded xx dead and xxx destroyed drones accounted for, as well as a breach to the outer wall via underground pipe conduits. Current location of the remaining xx Heaestus drones is unknown. It is not likely they survived an attempt to pass through the atmosphere of the xxxxxx planet intact.

6. Athol: Munitions disposal drone prototype under development from xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx. Investigation teams from DED dispatched to review claims from eyewitnesses of an attack on a test launch ship owned by xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx were met with limited co-operation from the corporation. Pressure applied from within the xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx government on our behalf revealed the nature of the scheduled test flight of the Athol class drone. The drone was tasked with the test recovery of a live heavy warhead from the range site in nearby deadspace, while the test launch ship stationed outside the area of deadspace. Further investigation showed the munitions disposal drone, slated for deployment evaluation with the xxxxxxx xxxxxxx within 3 years, was officially reported as destroyed during recovery. However witnesses report seeing the drone returning from the test site, then leaving again seconds before an explosive device was detonated on the outer hull of the science ship. Xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx denies this was the case. A full investigation of the event proved inconclusive and fragments of the test drone were produced, having been salvaged from the scene of the accident.

ANNEX F: Investigations into xxxxxxxx’s continued AI research programs

Interrogation record of employees Yansi Kuschev, Missay Johanas, Erean Lefou, and Wren Josual of the xxxxxxxx corporation. Chief intelligence officer Kyrin appointed to the interrogation of the xxxxxxxx employees listed. Initial conclusions of infestation threat became more diverse as testimony from Wren Josual brought to light the loss of several smaller AI programs, with the aforementioned employees having recently worked with the automated repair systems AI codenamed Creoptolemus. Conclusions of the interrogations have been delivered to Inner Circle for examination and further steps will be taken from there. Recommendations have been issued to detain and charge the four suspects in accordance with CONCORD Directive Omega One Five, [REF2], based on following evidence.

Officer Kyrin: And this brings us to are next problem Mr Lefou, these files show that even after the Orphyx AI went rogue, you yourself continued research in the form of the Creoptolemus program. Could you explain to us the reason you continued such illegal research?

Erean Lefou: The program I worked on, Creoptolemus, is on an entirely different level than Orphyx. The AI was created to work in a single specific area, and built to stay within set boundaries.

Officer Kyrin: The data we recovered from your team's lab points out that the AI had potentially developed awareness. How are you so certain an aware AI wouldn't overcome your limits?

Erean Lefou: I told you, it was given a specific guideline, it was made for automated repairing. Freeform thought isn't part of it like with Orphyx, it's just an advanced system repair program whose only freedom, if you can call it that, is that it gets to decide how to best repair its carrier. It was no more self aware than a simple environmental control system.

Mister Lefou alone has given us grounds to charge him and his team with violation of Directive Omega One Five, [REF2], and it is our recommendation that Inner Circle appoint a team to investigate the company in greater detail and track the location of the missing AI.

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