From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 14:26, 24 May 2011 by Fridge Chesthair (Talk)
- Sacrifice
- (slang) An optional item consumed in the invention attempt used to improve the chance of success.
- Safe spot
- (slang) A bookmarked location in space which is not readily accessible by hostile pilots.
- Safe up
- (slang) The act of warping to a safe spot.
- Sansha
- A member of Sansha's Nation.
- SB
- (initial) A stealth bomber class ship.
- (initial) Sovereighnty Blockade Unit.
- SC
- 1. (initial) Squad Commander. Within the fleet structure, the commander of a squad.
- 2. (initial) A Supercarrier class ship.
- 3. (initial) A Stragetic Cruisers class ship.
- Scimi
- (abbr.) A Scimitar logistics ship.
- Scord
- (abbr.) Scordite ore.
- Scorp
- (abbr.)A Scorpion battleship.
- Scram
- 1. (abbr.) A Warp Scrambler I or variation.
- 2. (slang) A Warp Disruptor I or variation.
- Sec status
- (abbr.) Security status. The CONCORD rating of how secure a star system is, displayed as a value from -1.0 to 1.0
- Seeded
- (slang) Available in near unlimited quantities and sold by NPCs at a fixed price.
- Serpentis
- A member of the Serpentis Corporation.
- Ship
- (abbr.) Any spaceship whether in a station or out in space.
- SiSi
- (abbr.) Singularity. The main public test server.
- SL
- (initial) Siege Missile Launcher I or variations.
- Sling bubble
- (slang) A warp disruption field located in such a way as to draw incoming ships to its location rather than the intended destination.
- Slot
- A single unit of location provided by a starbase array, station, or outpost service that an activity occupies. ex. This assembly array has eight slots available.
- Sniper Ship
- (slang) Any ship fitted to deal damage at very long ranges.
- SP
- (initial) Skill Points.
- Specialized Commodities
- An advanced planetary interaction material obtained through the refining of refined commodities and utilized in the manufacturing of advanced commodities.
- (initial) Shield Power Relay I or variation.
- Soon™
- CCP's motto for upcoming changes to EVE.
- Spider Tank
- (slang) A ship defensive strategy that relies on remote repair provided by other ships.
- (slang) Chat message that indicates a pilot is in a safespot and that the fleet can/should warp to the pilot.
- Stabs
- (abbr.) Warp Core Stabilizers and variations.
- Station Component
- A component utilized in the construction of an outpost.
- Stront
- (abbr.) Strontium Clathrates.
- (initial) Support Training and Resources. The part of ISD that assists new and existing players in official help channels.
- Subsystem Components
- A highly advanced component utilized in the construction of tech III ships and sub-systems.
- Suicide ganking
- (slang) Killing in high security space outside the strict boundaries set by CONCORD, resulting in security status loss and evoking a response from CONCORD.
- Super
- (abbr.) A super-capital ship.
- Support Carrier
- (slang) A carrier or super-carrier class ship fitted with remote shield transfers, remote armor repairers, or remote hull repairers.