Angel Lookout

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Revision as of 07:09, 2 September 2011 by Larton Dretta (Talk)

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Complex Details
Angel Lookout
Signature Strength Unknown
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unknown
Security Highsec
Known Regions Metropolis (Region)
Pirate type Angel Cartel

Pocket 1

A collection of Destroyers and Frigates:

Gistii Thug x2

Gistii Hunter x2

Gistii Outlaw x3

Gistior Shatterer x6

Angel light missile battery x1

This Pocket also contains the following ore:

Hemorphite 3 x 5000 units

Jaspet 5x 5000 units

and approximately 27 asteroids of veldspar

Pocket 2

Destroyers and frigates.

Near the overseer structure (Angel Control Center) are two elite frigates (Arch Gistii). Once killed they may trigger a Commander Frigate spawn which may trigger the escalation. Destroying the Angel Control Center may trigger the escalation Chasing the Dragon aswell. It is unknown if the structure shares the escalation trigger with the Command Frigate, thus it's recommended for both to be destroyed.

Minable ore:

  • 6 x Plagioclase
  • 5 x Omber
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