Gametime code concerns (CSM)

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Raised by: Ankhesentapemkah
Submission Date: 31-05-2008
Issue ID: 0025


Per 15 June 2008, CCP plans to remove the 30 and 90 day gametime codes from resellers and the 50 and 100 day gametime codes from the Eve store. There are several concerns with this.

First, it is an inconvenience for players that wish to pay in smaller intervals; these players would often use 30 day gametime codes.

Second, it constitutes a price increase of 35% [1], if we compare the price of an old 90 day gametime code to that of the new 60 day one.

Third, we question the motives for this change. According to CCP, this was to comply with industry standards. However, upon research we found that out of 16 MMOs that employed GTCs, only 3 use 60 day gametime codes exclusively [2]. We also found that the vast majority of games charge $29.95 for 60 days, instead of the $34.95 that Eve online charges [3].

Potential Solutions

  • Lower price from $34.95 to $29.95
  • Pros:
    • Compliance with industry standards
    • Likely to silence complaints about price increase
  • Cons:
    • Potential loss of revenue
    • Does not allow variable gametime purchase
  • Potential Solution: Keep 30 and 90 day cards but remove 50 and 100 day cards
  • Pros
    • Allows players to purchase a variable amount of gametime, suiting their payment plans
    • Likely to silence complaints about price increase
    • Makes system less complicated than current system
  • Cons
    • Potential loss of revenue

Relevant Forum Threads



City of Heroes: 15, 30 and 60 day timecards
City Of Vilians: 15, 30, 60
D&D Online: 60 days
Dungeon runners: 15, 30, 60
EQ: 30, 90
EQ2: 30, 90
Lineage 2: 15, 30, 60
Matrix Online: 30, 90
Planetside: 30, 90
SWG: 30, 90
Tabula Rasa: 15, 30, 60
Ultima Online: 30, 90, 180
Vanguard: 30, 90
WoW: 60

[3] MMOs with a $29.95 fee per 60 days:
Age of Conan
Tabula Rasa, City of Heroes, Lineage, Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne, City of Villians, Auto Assault
World of Warcraft


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