Cartel Prisoner Retention 8/10

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Complex Details
Cartel Prisoner Detention
Signature Strength Unknown
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating 8/10
Security 0.0
Known Regions Great Wildlands
Pirate type Angel Cartel

"This deadspace complex bestows a heavily guarded prison facility of the Angel Cartel. It is here that kidnapping victims and enemies of the cartel are held for ransom or brutal interrogation and torture.

DED Threat Assessment: Perilous (8 of 10)"

This site consists of 4 rooms.

Room 1

"This first pocket within the deadspace field contains the main gates to this Angel Cartel prison complex, defended by a pair of experienced frigate pilots. "


Room 2

"This area of the complex handles the traffic of incoming (and sometimes outgoing) prisoners. The pocket is well defended by a small but powerful Angel fleet. The resident jailor holds control over who is allowed further inside the complex, through the traffic gate towards the prison battlements. "


Guard Cantina may drop minor loot.
Entire pocket does not aggro on warp in. Attacking the jailor aggroes all remaining ships.

Room 3

"This heavily guarded pocket bestows the prison battlements and a massive fleet of Angel vessels that see to it that no one can escape from within the retention core. The acceleration gate that takes prison transport ships into the main prisoner block is scrambled by a scramble wave generator to keep the gate closed at almost all times "

4x sentries
7x bs
9x cruiser/bc
13x frig/destroyer

Please note: There is a gate key in the 3rd room, though the gate does not consume it, and may not be locked at all.

Aggro is split into two groups, with the first group having 2 BS, 6 Cruiser, 4 sentries

Room 4

"This deepest section of the complex houses the prisoner block. Fully outfitted with a bloodsport arena, the Angel Cartel prisonguards pitch their unsuspecting captives into brutal Darwinian games where only the strongest and fittest survive to tell the tale. The block is guarded by an experienced combat fleet, not to be taken lightly. "

9x towers (webs/guns/1xangel retention facility)
6x BS
16x cruiser/bc
30x frigs/destroyer

Upon entering the fourth room you will immediately get aggro from all the cruisers, most of the frigates, and the web towers. Incoming DPS is quite high compared to the other pockets. None of the battleships will aggro initially. Expect to have 4-6 webs on you within the first 30 seconds.

Arch Gistii Thug-Outlaw may warp-scramble you!

The Angel Retention Facility is a structure marked with a sentry icon, that webs and uses Doom citadel missiles (explosive) and has a very strong armor rep tank.

Some of the structures drop loot.

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