League of War (Player corporation)

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League Of War [g0ons]


Head Quaters: Avada V - CONCORD Assembly Plant

C.E.O: Shingly

Foundet by: Black Founder (26th May 2010)

Member Limit: 5 300 Members

Shares: 1 000 Units ( Owned by Shingly )

Goverment Type: Dictatorship

Agression policy: NRDS

Location: Aridia Region

External Website: g0ons.online-eve.net[1]

Origin and History

League of War was originally Great Pestilence Legion's military division to protect miners and non fighting personnel. Soon after first days GPL's CEO Ailmar got paranoiac and decided to disband GPL, this action resulted in to war between two parties. It has been rumored that Ailmar did not like simple principles of League of War and it's government type, but most of all that League of War declared them selves as an former Goons Alliance sympathizer. War lasted months and during this time League of War started campaign against other corporations. Unsuccessful war on other fronts without gaining any prestige and mergers League of War disbanded all other wars and concentrated efforts against Ailmar and friends. After 2 months of wars in Battlefield and politics League of War game to Victory with war loot worth 6 Billion ISK and resulted Ailmars run from New Eden. League of War was active following months, but soon after this decided to infiltrate most of the power Alliances in game. Shingly thought this would be easy way fatten League of War's wallet. After SOS leader resigned League of War broke apart of SOS and it's founder returned from Systematic Chaos to rebuild his corporation. However this plan backfired when it was time to recall agents from alliances as most of them got over turned and ignored recall. So Shingly returned alone with her right hand Loed Kane back to League of War. As an first step Shingly expelled all existing members and changed aggression state from NBSI to NRDS. The new HQ was created in Aridia region where League of War is currently based and achieved notable diplomatic relations. League of War is part of Aridia Treehouse coalition what assures to them over 1500 Blue's at the Region. In generally League of War is friendly and helpful, assuring to reach it's long term goals slowly but patiently.

Game Play

Soon after this League of War declared to have just fun in this game following simple principle that every soul in their pod should really do something what they love and aspire without limitations of management rules or policy. However after joining to Soldiers of Solitude alliance we applied policy that every single member will start in low sec and has to bare with security loss first few months. After breakup from SOS this rules was revoked, however all members live in Aridia low security systems and there is provided High security systems with ice belts for those who desire safety of CONCORD.


If you see notification of war by League of War it has probably reason and it can be solved behind the table without single shot fired as we don’t do random declarations and usually arent hired guns. So if you suspect that this is war what you can’t handle, be brave and open conversation with their CEO or to find out alternative way out of war.

General Personality

Generally they are friendly and honor always their agreements and promises, once they set you blue it means you are blue for the life. They remember their friends, rushing to back them up without hesitation. They don’t judge law same way as CONDORD or general public, it doesn’t matter are you minus ten or plus five. What matters to them is you, how you behave and what you are as and individual, as an entity of your corporation. Don’t be afraid, just join with us to the dark side of the moon and live your life in New Eden as you wanted to live it.


The history of law is closely connected to the development of civilization. Ancient Egyptian law, dating as far back as 3000 BC, contained a civil code that was probably broken into twelve books. It was based on the concept of Ma'at, characterised by tradition, rhetorical speech, social equality and impartiality.

League of War have only a few rules that are not easy to break, however breaking them will be punished.

001 All killmails AND lossmails must be posted (You cant hide them anyways as our board is API linked from June 2010).

002 Scamming is not allowed in League of War, scamming with an out of corp alt is allowed tho.

003 On that note, stealing from the corp or other members is not allowed.

004 No login traps.

005 No logging out in combat.

006 No shooting blues. remove them from your overview. if you shoot them you have to undo the damage you did.

007 You cannot form NAPs with other entities unless you are a director. attempting to represent yourself as being in a leadership position when you are not is not allowed. This also mean no threathing with wardeclarations as we have only person who can activate them any way.

008 No shooting neutrals as time been for political reasons.

009 No alts in other player corps, they must either be in LoW npc corp, or personal alt corp


Ranks of League of War: NSNEAP

NSNEAP ( National Socialistic New Eden Party ) (Command)

FÜHRER - Highest Rank of LoW, equals with C.E.O / President status on Corporation / Alliance.

REICHSLEITER - State Director - Second highest Rank of LoW, equals with Drector status on Corporation.

HELFER - Helper - Rank what serves both ranks above. This rank does not holld any independet ruling powe and acts as an voice of FÜHRER and REICHSLEITER, relaying policy to LoW's members.

STABSCHEF - Chief of Staff - Rank what serves FÜHRER and RESCHSLEITER. Equals as an Recruitment officer on Corporation. Holds power to rule on first stage who will be accepted in to corporatiopn.

Ranks of League of War: SLWD

SLWD ( Schatten Luftwaffen-Division ) (PvP) Serves right under SLWD

00 SS-MANN - Cadet - First rank give any member on joinment. Simple mindles drone / cannon meat rank with limited access to base'd at what is signed on joinment.

01 OBERSOLDAT - Member - Rank given after being with League of War two months. Rank holds access to corportion owned structures and limited hangars.

02 GEFREITER - Corporal - Rank given afer holding OBERSOLDAT rank for six months. Rank holds limited access to all corporation hangars over New Eden. Including rights to META 3-4 Items.

03 UNTERSCHARFÜHRER - Squad Commander - Rank given to those who have applied to Fleet Commander training and passed all test and training. Can command up to 10 lower rank members.

04 STANDARD JUNKER - Soldier - Rank given to those who have proven them selves on battlefields with their detication and loyalyty. This is First rank awardet with medal. All lower rank mebers are this rank pets and has to obey their moods and commands with out questions asked. How ever on Fleet Operations UNTERSCHARFÜHRER overwrites this Ranks authority.

05 KOMMODORE - Wing Commander - Advance Rank of UNTERSCHARFÜHRER. Cand command up to four SQUADS at the time.

06 GÕTTÖOCH FLOTTENCHEF - Fleet Commander - Highest military rank in LOW. Can command up to two WINGS at the time. Ranks applays all times regardles state of corporation.


What they offer?

At this point League of War has not much to offer to their members as we are small starting corporation. How ever beacuse nature of politics and it's relations all it's members can mine safely in 0,1 systems if they feels so or set up Capital construction POS'es. Also via this members can do L5 missions with out looking over their shoulders every other minute. Everyone has equal opportunity to move up in corporation via their actions and ideas, even CEO position is possible as history has shown.

- 0,1 Minerals

- 0,1 Moons up to R64

- Allied Capital defense support

- Cron Cycled API Killboard

- Voice Communications

- Website

What are they looking for?

League of War is looking mature gamers, we have announced SP starting limit at 2 Million Skill Point's as that is just amount where player starts to enjoy this game. We prefer 18+ year old players but it's not an rule as maturity comes to various players on early or late years. They accept all types, all race's, but they would like that their players would be self sufficient and interest to PvP.

- 2 Million SP or more Requiered

- Intrest to PvP

- Capability to use VIVOX (EVE Voice)

- 18+ Years old

- Readynes release Limited API key (Any roles asked will need provide Full API Key)

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