Friggin' Masters (Player corporation)

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Revision as of 15:36, 6 July 2010 by ISD Salpsan (Talk)

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The Friggin' Masters were formed in July 2004 by a handful of newly certified Capsuleers including Anjerrai Meloanis, Minyon and Ugleb. The corporation was to be a frigate-based combat unit operating primarily in the Heimatar region.

Within six months of its creation the corp joined the Ushra'Khan alliance, a predominantly Minmatar force of Freedom Fighters focused on ending the practice of Slavery in New Eden.

The corporation closed in March 2006 by forming Khumatari Holdings through a merger with other corporations and pilots within the Ushra'Khan.

As their final act, the Friggin' Masters completed construction of the Nidhoggur class Carrier the Friggin' Master; a statement of ambition in the construction of a capital ship housing squadrons of Fighter craft, made by a corp marked for their love of the dog fight.

As of July 2010, the Friggin' Master continues the legacy of its makers in the service of the Ushra'Khan under the banner of the Sarz'na Khumatari.

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