Test Alliance Please Ignore (Player alliance)

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Revision as of 11:24, 29 June 2010 by ISD Salpsan (Talk)

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A bit about us

Who Is Test Alliance?

Test Alliance are a Eve Online alliance of like minded corporations brought together with the idea of having fun. The main corporations of TEST are B0RT, ARSED, RIMC, OMFG, and LITH. Our main goals are keeping each other entertained by blowing other people up and not doing it in a srs bsns way.

Joining Test Alliance

If you would like to join Test Alliance Please Ignore, please contact a Alliance Diplomat ingame.

English Primary: rob3r English Secondary:Xystance German: Guiscard

Propaganda of TEST

coming soon once I compile some links.

History of TEST

being written by someone who is not I.

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