Ethereal Dawn (Player alliance)

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Name Ethereal Dawn
Ticker ED
Founded 2007.7.03 10:08
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Ralian Gelain
Diplomat(s) Dainslief Schaller
Public Channel
Website Ethereal Dawn Embassy
Executor Black Lotus Heavy Industries
Members Black Lotus Heavy Industries

Lost Star Technologies

Brewery Research Ltd

Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation

Black Lotus Heavy Industries

Dark Tornado

Divitarum Carta

Black Lotus Property Management


Ethereal Vengeance


Ethereal Dawn was created in 2007, named after the region they claim sovereignty over, Etherium Reach. They are a 0.0 alliance of mixed PVP and Industrial composition. They follow a NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) policy and condone piracy, although they do not practice it on a organized level. As of May 7 2009 they are the 10th largest alliance in New Eden, with approximately 1700 members.

They have traditionally been allied with the Red Swarm Federation in such wars such as the SmashKill War, and the Delve War II.

However, since March 2009, ED has seperated from the Red Swarm Federation Powerbloc and have effectively created their own independent coalition with close ally Intrepid Crossing <IRC>. Members call themselves the Ethereal Crossing (ED/IRC), taking words from the two alliances. ED is known to be the quieter side of ED/IRC, while IRC is more headstrong and vocal. From any perspective, the creation of a completely independent coalition was a rather aggressive move from a ostensible "Carebear" alliance.


April 2009 - Shortly after the infamous fall of the Band of Brothers, Ethereal Dawn moved in to Delve to attack remnants of the Greater BOB Community. ED entered the conflict to aid Goonswarm in what became the Delve War II. In mid April 2009, under bequest of Goonswarm, ED pulled out of Delve and went to the Detorid region to protect a Goonswarm Titan in production. IRC was positioned closely in Tenerifis. Here, IRC had a minor skirmish with a small alliance called Shade Underworld, who were blue to Goonswarm at the time. ED quickly followed suit and attacked Shade Underworld targets. The situation was later mediated, but shows ED/IRC's independent behavior even as members of the Red Swarm Federation. Shade Underworld's PVP arm BravoCompany later joined ED corporation Zipzoom Kaboom. Goonswarm eventually revealed that Shade Underworld was "sold" Tenerifis as a target of a alliance scam.

March 2009 - Ethereal Dawn and close ally Intrepid Crossing splinter off from the Red Swarm Federation Powerbloc to become targeted by almost every major alliance in Eve, including Red Alliance, Goonswarm, Wildly Inappropriate, The Initiative., Red Army Alliance, Rebellion Alliance, LUCKY LEAGUE, Sc0rched Earth, Imperial Republic of the North, Mostly Harmless, Majesta Empire, Tau Ceti Federation, Morsus Mihi, RAZOR, Kraftwerk, Stella Polaris. and United Legion, among others. This war was called the Drone Regions War, or the Drone Region Dramalamadingdong, by IRC members. Inititally, the Great Wildlands Alliance Foundati0n sided with ED/IRC, but disbanded due to unrelated internal reasons before they were involved in any meaningful degree. ED/IRC did not join another powerbloc, hence remaining red to traditional enemies such as KenZoku, Against ALL Authorities, Atlas, the Stainwagon Coalition, Triumvirate, Pandemic Legion, Executive Outcomes, and Curatores Veritatis Alliance.

The reasoning behind the Drone Region war is not clear, and explanations are varied amongst the parties. Intrepid Crossing and Ethereal Dawn claim Red Alliance sent smaller allies such as LUCKY LEAGUE to harass them, and after some argument opened fire themselves. They go on to state that initially Goonswarm supported the move on Red Alliance but retracted the statement later. There is a widespread belief among ED/IRC that the Northern Coalition members such as The Initiative., Majesta Empire, and Wildly Inappropriate attacked them under command from Northern Coalition Leaders as a opportunity to hit a weakened target and under pressure from Goonswarm.

Red Alliance claims ED/IRC opened fire first as a expansion move into Insmother. They believe ED/IRC looked to attack a weakened RA, which had splintered apart since it's strongest era years ago. Goonswarm claims to have entered the action after ED/IRC sieged RA's C-J outpost. Many Goons hold the C-J outpost as "sacred", because in the past they were cornered into C-J along with RA, from which they made a large comeback. Wildly Inappropriate claims to have entered the action simply for fun and their own private motives in the Geminate Region. Still other observers, such as former IRC High Command Farham, CEO of the ousted IRC corporation Titan Industries Technology Team, claim that IRC plans to hit Red Alliance were well into the making months beforehand and that ED was strung along.

On March 26 2009, in the midst of the Drone Region War, IRC was hit with a large scale corp theft, with damage estimates ranging around 200 billion ISK. Initially, it was believed to be masterminded by the Goon Intelligence Agency, Goonswarm's Spy Arm. Goonswarm used these assets as a tool to force ED/IRC into striking a cease fire with RA. Goonswarm had their own motives in striking this deal, as RA was helping them in their war in Delve as a second front. However, RA broke the cease fire in only 2 days and attacked ED. IRC sided with ED without hesitation and reentered the war. Goonswarm later claimed that the theft was actually coordinated by disgruntled former IRC High Command Farham, and that the blame was shielded by the GIA to gain political leverage and as a cover to get the assets out.

April 2009 - On April 6 2009 ED/IRC was promised aid from longtime enemy Atlas Alliance (ATLAS). A ED support fleet moved deep into Detorid, where they were supposed to rendezvous with IRC and ATLAS forces. They found themselves caught in a bubble, deceived by Atlas, who had awaited ED with a titan blast. 41 ED ships were destroyed in the engagement.

May 2009 - After defending against a combined siege by 20 hostile alliances for 2 months, a few alliances slowly began showing some support for ED/IRC. Smaller alliances that began aiding ED/IRC include Raining Doom, Starfleet Federation, LAST JUDGEMENT and Dirt Nap Associates. IDLE Empire, a medium sized pirate alliance led by Idle Guns, began supporting ED/IRC after being evicted by Wildly Inappropriate from Geminate in April 2009.

Atlas and Triumvirate., despite their turbulent history with ED/IRC, aided them in limited engagements, but went back to red within the hour of finishing the combined operation. These operations benefited each alliance's own motives and did not represent a combined effort towards one goal. One memorable engagement was on May 6 2009, when ED/IRC were trapped into DYPL-6 by RA and NC Forces. After a dull standoff, Triumvirate suddenly began pouring into system, yelling "Tri Army is here! Run for the Hills!". The RA and NC fleet began making a dash for their staging systems, but approximately 20 of them were caught in various systems as they were making their escape.

One surprising entrance into the war was Solar Fleet, a large Russian space holding alliance also based in the Drone Regions. It is interesting to note that Solar Fleet is an offshoot of Red Alliance. In their first excursion, Solar Fleet brought out 2 titans, 9 dreadnoughts, and 8 carriers, along with assorted support ships to aid ED/IRC against Northern Coalition forces stationed in IRC space(7).


1. ISD Calen Orvance Wildly Inappropriate Moves into Geminate CCP: April 13 2009.

2. ISD Deacon York Fighting Intensifies In and Around Etherium Reach CCP: April 26 2009.

3. mightylord A Post of Truth from Eve General Discussions from R3D Death Eve Insider Forums: April 21 2009.

4. The Mittani. Sins of a Solar Spymaster #10: Bastard's Bluff Tentonhammer Network: May 5 2009.

5. Hardin Eve Online Political Update: The Drone Regions Internet Chieftains: April 1 2009

6. Gobblock IRC war logistics problems Eve Insider Forums: March 26 2009.

7. Solar Fleet Killboard Related Kills 2009.05.08 Solar Fleet: May 8 2009

8. Majk Lootar Drone Dramalamadingdong Episode 9785 Eve Insider Forums: March 23 2009

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