Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point

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Complex Details
Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point
Signature Strength NA
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating
Security 0.0
Known Regions Cloud Ring, Syndicate
Pirate type Serpentis
Serpentis Forsaken Rally Points are Cosmic Anomalies that can be found with the on-board scanner or a Scan Probe.

The enemies consist of multiple waves, containing Battleships and Cruisers. The reward per ship is in the low / medium range.

Introduction Message displayed when warping to the Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point: "The Serpentis Corporation was founded a few decades ago by V. Salvador Sarpati. At first, it was engaged in hi-tech research, but with time its ties to the underworld grew, and Serpentis research stations scattered around in remote areas became notorious pirate havens. Sarpati made a deal with the Angel Cartel early on to provide protection for his stations, and this duty was eventually taken on by the Guardian Angels. Both sides have prospered enormously from this deal - Serpentis can operate in peace, and the Angel Cartel gets access to the illegal research efforts of the Serpentis conglomerate. It is strongly believed that Serpentis is the main developer and manufacturer of illegal neural boosters, especially since Sarpati's father was a renowned specialist in that field. The home of Serpentis is in the Phoenix constellation in the Fountain region. "

First Wave: 2 Cruisers, 2 Battleships

Second wave: 2 Cruisers, 2 Battleships

Third wave: 2 Cruisers, 3 Battleships

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