Talk:Fitting ships

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Revision as of 02:22, 10 January 2012 by Salpun (Talk)

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This page needs MAJOR clean up still. I'm not sure why we have this Fitting Ships page and the Ship Fitting Guide. And these pages generally are for more advanced players, not brand new players who don't even know what a high slot module is. I think we need a template for some guides that say 'Stop if you don't understand the language here and do the tutorials in game.' or something similar. Here are my updates for the ships that the stupid locked page won't let me check in.--Kismeteer 23:38, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

Okay page was approved and fixed up by me. It still needs work. I think there are even still spelling errors embedded in this thing. Needs more generic suggestions for ship fittings, I even added a little thing at the bottom for new players, though some go beyond ship fittings.--Kismeteer 00:33, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

This page has been merged with two other pages which were all about the same subject. --ISD Hestia Braxator 11:53, 11 November 2009 (UTC)

The links that are red link need to be corrected so the link directs to DBpage that exists with that name. User:Salpun 07:21. 10 January 2012(UTC)

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