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Revision as of 05:35, 30 November 2009 by Onys Cissalc (Talk)
The standings are modified as follows:
(Effective standing) = S+(S-(10-(10-S*D))))
Where S = existing standings D = 1+(0.04*Diplomacy Level)
Example: 3.03 + (3.03 - (10 - (10 - 3.03 * 1.12)))) = 3.8664
(Effective standing) = 10-(10-S*D)
Where S = existing standings D = 1-(0.04*Diplomacy Level)
Example: 10 - (10 - 3.03 * 0.88) = 3.8664
I.e., it is not the value of your standing which is increased by 4% per level of Connections; instead, the difference between 10 and your standing is decreased by 4% per level of Connections.
Note that Connections is not used if your standings are below 0.00 (-0.01); Diplomacy is used for that, instead.