Macro hauler solution (CSM)
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Revision as of 12:06, 21 June 2009 by ISD Pirlouit (Talk)
- Raised by: mazzilliu
- Submission Date: 2009/06/21
- Issue ID: TBA
Summary of the Problem
In certain mission hubs in lowsec and nullsec, macro haulers have infested the area in such large numbers that even lowsec pirates cannot contain their numbers.
The Proposed Solution
For all hauling missions with a reward above a certain small amount(so this excludes low level highsec missions), increase the collateral to one million ISK or more, and increase the value of the hauled item to equal the increased collateral.
List of Pros and Cons
- players are now more motivated to drastically reduce the volume of macro hauler abuse- rather then anti-macroers and people who do it for fun, now disrupting these missions will give you a profit.
- Fewer petitions will waste GM's time
- people who successfully complete the mission will not be adversely affected.
- relatively easy to implement, rather then introducing new code, CCP just needs someone to go over the mission texts and change some numbers around
- boost to piracy! seriously, piracy got hit pretty hard after the value of t2 modules plummeted and a lot of ship value blows up in rigs now. any sort of increasing the income from piracy is a good thing :D
- macroers are forced to stick to low profit highsec issions
- hauling missions in general will be harder to carry out in lowsec and 0.0. There may be issues with players not wanting to invest in a scout/some muscle/a jumpdrive capable ship in order to complete a mission. I think this issue can be resolved with an ongoing look at re balancing the reward system for hauler missions.