User:Rovern Hashu

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Revision as of 14:23, 3 May 2009 by Rovern Hashu (Talk)

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Rovern Hashu - Imperial Dreams Pilot


Born into the original branch of the Hashu Family, Rovern can trace his ancestors back centuries. He originally joining the Imperial Academy at the behest of his father with long term plans of becoming a career officer in the Navy. During his stay at the Academy, Rovern came under the influence of Lord Aralis, the CEO of the capsuleer corporation Imperial Dreams and the executor of the Curatores Veritiatis Alliance. In June 209 EST, Rovern joined Imperial Dreams and has been serving Lord Aralis ever since.

Contact Information

If you need to get in touch with me, I can be reached through eve mail or you can find me in the Imperial Dreams public channel 'guards'. If your a University of Minnesota Morris student, you may also find me in the channel 'morris' dedicated to EVE Online players who currently or have previously attended the University of Minnesota Morris. If you need help with an incident with CVA, please join the channel 'CVA-Diplo' and a CVA member there can help you.


I have currently been attempting to keep the CVA and Providence area evelopedia pages updated and truthful. If you have a problem with changes I have made to any page please let me know and we can discuss it.

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