Links to itself
Why this page has tens of links to itself? That is extremely bad navigation design! Also makes text hard to read when every single "wormhole" word is wikilinked. Please fix! --Yaar Podshipnik 22:19, 14 March 2009 (UTC)
- Fixed --ISD BH Lenider 00:21, 2 May 2009 (UTC)
There is so much more information going into the forums
I have a question about this topic, but also policy. Is there any reason we can't post data like this:
In these pages? Perhaps another page 'Wormhole_Class'?
This is information that's not been specifically released by CCP and isn't maintained, but it's very useful and has been 'discovered' by the community. --Marconi Bandr 23:03, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
I would have liked to make a minor edit to change 'most' pilots would choose to self destruct to 'many' pilots would choose to self destruct. You would only choose to self destruct if you didn't care about your ship or your loot. There are plenty of stories in the forums of folks talking there way home via the local channel. --Marconi Bandr 23:07, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
I doubt there are many stories about that... there is no local channel in wormhole space. --Armrha 17:38, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
Ship setup
Unless theres one I feel there should be a wormhole ship setup page.
It should be from what fleet of ships that currently works in wormhole from the easiest W-space to the hardest one. What ship works and what doesn't. That kind of stuff.
Page missing too much relevant information
We cannot edit page as its an official guide. That's okay... would it be possible to link to a spoilers page from it though?
The dozens of links to self are indeed really annoying...
The page itself doesn't cover enough technical details about what kind of tank to have. Required DPS. Sleeper NPC details. A list of WH life span, mass limits, and where they link to. Possible group tactics and ship loadouts. Rewards. T3 production map. Required skill levels for salvaging / hacking / etc. And probably a lot of trivia, which is the essence of all wiki's.
So... I'm gonna get started Wormhole Reference in the hopes of filling in the blanks. Hope there's nothing wrong with sharing "spoiler" information on this wiki.